11th Online Admission 2016 Merit List at fyjc.org.in

11th Online Admission 2016 Merit List at fyjc.org.in

The First Merit list of 11th Admission Mumbai is given below. You can check the status in merit list from this page. The merit List is going to publish at 5 Pm today. From respective given links you can download the merit list today on 27 June 2016. In Mumbai First Year Junior College (FYJC) also known as 11th class. Government offer admission in FYJC and this process repeat every year. Huge Number of students are appeared in 2016 FYJC Admission Process. Admission in 11th class based on Merit List. In 11th class selection of candidates will be based on merit list and seat allotment, college will be allotted to students as per marks or Merit List rank. FYJC 1st Merit List pdf, FYJC 2nd Merit List pdf, FYJC 3rd Merit List pdf for Mumbai .

Once the registration process is over board will prepare details General merit list for all the students. merit list will be available on website on 20/6/2016.  Which student get admission in which college it will decided by the 11th online admission Merit list. This details list will be developed based on the score and marks of class 10. Those who have got good marks and percentage will get added advantage. As there 11th online admission merit list will higher than other students. Once the merit list will be out student can guess which college they will get and what are the chances do they get in competition.
Applicants are informed that stay tuned with us to get FYJC Merit List 2016-17, FYJC Merit List 2016 1st, FYJC Merit List 2016 2nd, FYJC Merit List 2016 3rd. Students are informed that click on option given below. More updates will be available like 11th FYJC Merit List Pune, 11th FYJC Merit List Mumbai. Complete process is in under state government of Maharashtra. Those students are applied for First Year Junior College (FYJC) and admission in 11th class.

Mumbai first Merit list 2016

Mumbai first Merit list 2016

How to Download Merit List 11th Mumbai Admission

On the 27/6/2016 students and parents can access the final and very first merit list on official website. On the basis of this merit list student will be allotted the colleges which they wanted to study. Well it is quite clear that admission will be given 100% on the basis of 11th online admission first merit list. Once seats will be allotted to eligible and board will calculate vacant seat. Second round of merit list will be declared and those who wanted to get a chance and looking for another junior college they can use this merit list. And the last merit list will be available on 6th July 2016 and that will be final merit list for students those who wanted to get admission in 11th standard.