BSEH Haryana Open School Class 10th 12th Result 2021 direct link- हरियाणा ओपन स्कूल रिजल्ट चेक करें
BSEH 10th 12th Result 2021 : The Haryana Board of School Education’s (HBSE) Haryana Open School Result 2021 has been released Class 10 and 12 is likely to be announced on June 16, 2021. Students who took the open school test can verify their results BSEH’s official website,. Haryana open school students can check here for a direct link to open and available the results . It is recommended that you follow the methods outlined below in order to obtain the HBSE Haryana Open School Result 2021.
Haryana Board 10th 12th Result 2021 Update News : The Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) is likely to declare the open school class 10 exam result on June 18. Students appeared in the exam can check the result at the official website —
The classes 10, 12 exams were earlier held in April and May.
BSEH HOS Class 10 result 2021: How to check
Step 1: Visit the official website-
Step 2: Click on class 10 open school result link
Step 3: Enter the login credentials
Step 4: Result will appear on the screen
Step 5: Download, take a print out for further reference.
Link Area of 10th Class Result HBSE Bhiwani Board
Haryana Board 10th Result | Check Here – Available Now |
12th Result | HBSE 12th Result 2021 |
Official Website | |
Score at least 33% marks in five compulsory subjects Hindi, English, Math, Social Science and Science & Technology. Sixth subject i.e. elective subjects non compulsory (Sanskrit/ Punjabi/ Urdu/ Home Science/ Physical Education/ Computer Science)
A candidate shall be required to obtain at least 33% marks in each subject and also 33% marks in aggregate to pass the examination. For subjects involving practical a candidate shall have to obtain 33% in theory and practical separately
In order to earn the Certificate of Qualification, a candidate will have to qualify in the following five subjects of external examination separately:
- Hindi (First Language)
- English (Second Language)
- Mathematics
- Social Science
- Science & Technology
In order to qualify in a subject, he / she will have to obtain at least 33% marks in total (marks in external examination + marks in practical + marks in CPE/SSA/INA/CCE) provided that he / she:
- Obtains at least 33% marks separately in the external examination
- Obtains at least 33% marks separately in Practical examination if any.
In case of fresh candidate, if a candidate is absent in all subjects in Theory & Practical his / her result will be declared as ‘Cancelled’. In addition to this, if a candidate of RE-APPEAR/CTP is absent in all theory paper but INA/CCE/CPE/SSA marks available then his result be declared as “ABSENT /RE-APPEAR”.
If a candidate qualifies in all the six subjects, then the best scoring five subjects of external examination will be counted for determining aggregate marks, i.e. the subject in which one has obtained the least marks will not be counted will be in the following order of priority:
Social Science, Science & Technology, Mathematics, Hindi, English. Further, if a candidate does not qualify in Hindi, but qualifies in Sanskrit as sixth subject, then Sanskrit will be replaced Hindi for earning the Certificate of Qualification.
1% grace (per subject appeared) will be given for qualifying (i.e. for getting 33% marks) in as many subjects as possible, but will not be given for improving marks. (Other provisions that exist in the Regulations regarding Grace will remain in force as such. Grace can be given in Theory OR/AND Practical. Provided that the grace marks in Practical shall not be awarded more than the marks actually obtained by the candidate.
Candidate will be placed under RE-APPEAR/CTP in those subjects in which they do not qualify. However, they will be given six chances including main exam. In case of fresh candidates, after availing all the TWELVE (12) chances, if his/her result stands as ‘NOT QUALIFIED’ then he / she may not availing the CTP facility.
- If a candidate does not qualify either in theory paper or practical paper and vice-versa, he will have to re-appear only in the particular paper i.e. if he has fail in theory paper his practical marks attained previously will be considered as such and vice-versa, the marks will be considered only for appearing one year.
- If a candidate is placed under reappear in a subject, and then his / her INA/CCE/CPE/SSA marks once obtained will be carrying forwarded. This will also be applicable to the candidates appearing for improvement.
- For Additional and Fresh candidate SSA marks shall be counted in proportional with the marks achieved by the candidate in theory paper in that/those subject/s
In order to earn the Certificate of Qualification, a candidate will have to qualify in all five subjects of external examination separately.
In order to qualify in a subject, he / she will have to obtain at least 33% marks in total (marks in external examination + marks in practical + marks in CPE/SSA/INA/CCE) provided that he / she
- obtains at least 33% marks separately in the external examination
- obtains at least 33% marks separately in Practical examination, if any
Note: In case of fresh candidate, if a candidate is absent in all subjects in Theory & Practical his / her result will be declared as ‘Cancelled’. In addition to this, if a candidate of RE-APPEAR/CTP is absent in all theory paper but INA/CCE/CPE/SSA marks available then his result be declared as “ABSENT /RE-APPEAR”.
- In case one qualifies in all 6 subjects (including additional subject), then the marks obtained in the best scoring 4/5 subjects (excluding the compulsory subjects, i.e. Hindi and/or English) will be counted for determining Aggregate marks, i.e. the main optional subject in which one has obtained the least marks will be replaced by the Additional subject.
1% grace (per subject appeared) will be given for qualifying (i.e. for getting 33% marks) in as many subjects as possible, but will not be given for improving marks. (Other provisions that exist in the Regulations regarding Grace will remain in force as such) Grace can be given in Theory OR/AND Practical. Provided that the grace marks in Practical shall not be awarded more than the actually obtained by the candidate.
Candidate will be placed under RE-APPEAR/CTP in those subjects in which they do not qualify. However, they will be given six chances including main exam. In case of HOS fresh candidates, after availing all the TWELVE (12) chances, if candidate’s result stands as ‘NOT QUALIFIED’, he / she may not avail the CTP facility.
- If a candidate does not qualify either in theory paper or practical paper and vice-versa, he will have to re-appear only in the particular paper i.e. if he has failed in theory paper his practical marks attained previously will be considered as such and vice-versa the marks will be considered only for appearing one year.
- If a candidate is placed under reappear in a subject, and then his / her INA/CCE/CPE/SSA marks once obtained will be carrying forwarded. This will also be applicable to the candidates appearing for improvement.
- For Fresh/Additional candidate SSA marks shall be counted in proportional with the marks achieved by the candidate in theory paper in that/those subject/s.