Central University of Haryana Result 2023 Released Download Here

Central University of Haryana Result 2023 Released Download Here

Central University of Haryana Result 2023

Central University of Haryana Result 2023 – Central University of Haryana Result 2023 released on official website www.cuh.ac.in. Student who had participated in the B.Tech, M.Sc, MTTM, PhD, MCA, MA, MBA, M.Com, Other UG, PG Semester/ Annual Exams must check the Central University of Haryana UG, PG Result 2023 from this page. Students can check the results only through online mode. Students who are searching for the Central University of Haryana Exam Result 2023 they can download result in this page.  Student here we uploaded the direct link to get the Central University of Haryana UG & PG Semester Results in a very easy to download . So students who have successfully completed the university exam can check your  Semester Result in the below of the page.

CUH New Result 2023: Central University of Haryana has conducted the written exam for the students. After completion of the written exam almost all the students are very curious to know the Central University of Haryana Result 2023. For that here we, mentioned the links to download the result. So students don’t waste the time for searching Central University of Haryana Semester Results 2023 on other sites. Follow this page https://mahabharti.in/university and easily get your results. So candidates without any late check your www.cuh.ac.in Exam Results from this page and download pdf. here we mentioned all the genuine information to the students.

CUH Result 2023 Out : All the candidates who had participated in the B.Tech, M.Sc, MTTM, PhD, MCA, MA, MBA, M.Com, Other UG, PG Semester/ Annual Exams must check the Central University of Haryana UG, PG Result 2023 from this page. Students can check the results only through online mode.

Central University of Haryana Result 2023

18.08.2023JMC 4th Sem. Result
18.08.2023Re-Appear Result June 2023
18.08.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering June 2023 (Final Semester Students)
16.08.20232nd Semester Result of (B.Voc.) in Retail and Logistics Management, Biomedical Sciences, Industrial Waste Management, Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering
16.08.2023Re-Appear JMC Result 
16.08.2023Re-Appear B.Ed Result 
10.08.2023Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering June 2023 
10.08.2023Re-Appear MCA 4th Final Result 
10.08.2023Re-Appear 3rd Sem. MCA Result 
10.08.2023Re-Appear 2nd Sem MCA Result 
10.08.2023Re-Appear 4th Sem. Physics Result 
09.08.2023LLB IV Sem 
09.08.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Tech. CSE TEE June- July 2023 
09.08.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. IWM TEE June- July 2023 
09.08.2023Revised Result of B.Tech. EE Sixth Semester June 2023 
09.08.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. RLM TEE June- July 2023 
09.08.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS TEE June- July 2023 
09.08.2023Provisional Result of B.Tech. CSE IV Semester TEE June- July 2023 
04.08.2023Partial Revised Result of MTTM, Yoga, LLM (190142) Swayam Courses 
04.08.2023LLB Revised Result 
04.08.2023Partial Provisional Result of IV Semester M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 
04.08.2023Re-Appear Result of VII Semester & Final Semester Result of B.Tech. PPT ( 192137) 
01.08.2023Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering 
01.08.2023Fourth Semester Result of LLM 
01.08.2023Sixth Semester Result of LLB 
28.07.2023MBA 4th Semester result 
28.07.2023Revised Result MBA 3d Sem. 
28.07.2023Revised result LLB 3rd Sem. 
28.07.2023IV Semester Result of Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Mathematics) June 2023 
28.07.2023Sixth Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering 
27.07.2023Result of IV Semester Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Chemistry) June 2023 
26.07.2023Result IV Semester B.Sc.M.Sc Physics June 2023 
26.07.2023Final Result IV Semester M.Sc Geography June 2023 
26.07.2023Revised Result III Semester MBA June 2023 
25.07.2023Final Result IV Semester Microbiology, B.Ed. TEE June 2023 
24.07.2023Provisional Result of Sixth Semester B.Tech. Civil Engineering 
24.07.2023Revised Result of B.Tech. CSE Sixth Semester ( Roll no. 202126) 
24.07.2023ReAppear Result of History IV Semester June 2023 Ex Students 
24.07.2023History IV Semester Result June 2023 
24.07.2023ReAppear Result History IV Semester June 2023 Ex Students 
24.07.2023IV Semester Result of B.Sc. Hons. Psychology June 2023 
22.07.2023Re-Appear 4th Semester Result B.Ed 
22.07.2023Re-Appear 1st semester M.PEd Result 
20.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Chemistry 
20.07.2023Sixth Semester Result of B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering 
20.07.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS Sixth Semester 
20.07.2023Re-Evaluation Result of M.Ed. and MPED 
20.07.2023Revised Result of Geography (Roll.No. 210740) 
19.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology 
19.07.2023Final Result of M.Sc. EVS and M.Ed. 
18.07.2023Final Result of Master of Travel and Tourism Management 
18.07.2023Final Result of M.Sc. Yoga 
18.07.2023Final Result of M.Tech. Energy System Management 
18.07.2023Revised Result of III Semester M.Tech. Energy System Management 
18.07.2023Result of IV Semester- M.H.M.C.T 
17.07.2023Result of IV Semester- Master of Science(Statistics) 
17.07.2023Result of IV Semester- M.com and Pol. Science 
17.07.2023Result of IV Semester- Master of Arts(Psychology) 
17.07.2023Result of IV Semester- Master of Arts(Sanskrit) 
17.07.2023VI Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology 
17.07.2023IV Semester Result of B.Voc. Industrial Waste Management 
17.07.2023Revised Result of B.Voc. Retail & Logistics Management IV Semester (Roll no. 211312, 211323) 
17.07.2023Final Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering ( Roll no. 192001,192015) 
17.07.2023Updated Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering Final Semester ( Roll no. 192082) 
14.07.2023Revised Result of LLB (2nd, 3rd and 4th sem) and LLM (1st sem). 
13.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of B.Voc. BMS 
12.07.2023Final Result of B.Tech. CSE ( Roll no. 11515) 
12.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.Tech. Structural Engineering 
12.07.2023III Semester Result of M.A. Sociology (Roll no. 210345) 
12.07.2023Revised Result of First Semester M.A. Psychology (Roll no. 210284) 
12.07.20231st Semester Result of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Hons) in Psychology 
11.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.A. Hindi and M.A. Economics
11.07.2023V & VIII Semester Result of B. Tech. PPT ( Roll no. 192250)
11.07.20231st Semester Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Retail and Logistics Management
11.07.2023M.Com Result 3rd Semester
11.07.20231st Semester Result of M.Sc. Nutrition Biology
10.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Nut. Biology
10.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.A. English
10.07.2023Re-Evaluation LLB 3rd sem.
10.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of B.Voc. Retail and Logistics Management
10.07.2023Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology
10.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Mathematics and M.Sc. Biochemistry
07.07.2023Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Industrial Waste Management
06.07.2023Final Result of M.Libsc., Biotech, MPED IV Semester June 2023
06.07.2023Re-evaluation Result of LLB Jan-2023
05.07.2023Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Biomedical Sciences
05.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of Master of Computer Application (MCA)
04.07.2023Fourth Semester Result of M.A. Sociology
04.07.2023Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Retail & Logistics Management
03.07.2023M.Sc Physics IV Reult
28.06.2023Re-evaluation Result
27.06.2023Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
26.06.2023Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
26.06.2023Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering
23.06.2023Re-evaluation Result of Economics, MTTM, History and Law
22.06.2023Result of Ph.D. Law 1st Sem
21.06.2023Re-Appear Result of LL.B. 1st Sem
21.06.2023Result of LL.B. 5th Sem
20.06.2023Re-Evaluation Result of B.Tech. III,V & VII Semester January 2023
20.06.2023Re-Appear Result LL.B. First Semester
20.06.2023Result of LL.B. and LL.M. 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
19.06.2023Re-Appear Result of PG Programme and Ph.D.(Sociology) First Semester
16.06.2023Result of M.Sc.Chemistry,M.Sc.Mathematics, Master of Education M.Ed. 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
16.06.2023Result of Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
16.06.2023Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Biomedical Sciences 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
16.06.2023Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Industrial Waste Management 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
16.06.2023Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS & IWM
16.06.2023Final Result of M.Phil. English Firdous Nazir
15.06.2023Result of M.Sc. (Data Science) 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023
13.06.2023Result of Integrated B.Sc.- M.Sc.(Chemistry),Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC), Master of Science (Environmental Science),Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc.(Mathematics) Exam held on March 2023
12.06.2023Re-Appear Result of M.Sc. Biotechnology First Semester (211207)
09.06.2023Updated Result of Ph.D. (Microbiology) Exam held on March 2023
07.06.2023Master of Technology (Structural Engineering) result of 1st Semester
07.06.2023Re-Appear Result of MCA First Semester ( Roll no. 210533)