18.08.2023 | JMC 4th Sem. Result |
18.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result June 2023 |
18.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering June 2023 (Final Semester Students) |
16.08.2023 | 2nd Semester Result of (B.Voc.) in Retail and Logistics Management, Biomedical Sciences, Industrial Waste Management, Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering |
16.08.2023 | Re-Appear JMC Result  |
16.08.2023 | Re-Appear B.Ed Result  |
10.08.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering June 2023  |
10.08.2023 | Re-Appear MCA 4th Final Result  |
10.08.2023 | Re-Appear 3rd Sem. MCA Result  |
10.08.2023 | Re-Appear 2nd Sem MCA Result  |
10.08.2023 | Re-Appear 4th Sem. Physics Result  |
09.08.2023 | LLB IV Sem  |
09.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Tech. CSE TEE June- July 2023  |
09.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. IWM TEE June- July 2023  |
09.08.2023 | Revised Result of B.Tech. EE Sixth Semester June 2023  |
09.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. RLM TEE June- July 2023  |
09.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS TEE June- July 2023  |
09.08.2023 | Provisional Result of B.Tech. CSE IV Semester TEE June- July 2023  |
04.08.2023 | Partial Revised Result of MTTM, Yoga, LLM (190142) Swayam Courses  |
04.08.2023 | LLB Revised Result  |
04.08.2023 | Partial Provisional Result of IV Semester M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering  |
04.08.2023 | Re-Appear Result of VII Semester & Final Semester Result of B.Tech. PPT ( 192137)  |
01.08.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering  |
01.08.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of LLM  |
01.08.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of LLB  |
28.07.2023 | MBA 4th Semester result  |
28.07.2023 | Revised Result MBA 3d Sem.  |
28.07.2023 | Revised result LLB 3rd Sem.  |
28.07.2023 | IV Semester Result of Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Mathematics) June 2023  |
28.07.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering  |
27.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Chemistry) June 2023  |
26.07.2023 | Result IV Semester B.Sc.M.Sc Physics June 2023  |
26.07.2023 | Final Result IV Semester M.Sc Geography June 2023  |
26.07.2023 | Revised Result III Semester MBA June 2023  |
25.07.2023 | Final Result IV Semester Microbiology, B.Ed. TEE June 2023  |
24.07.2023 | Provisional Result of Sixth Semester B.Tech. Civil Engineering  |
24.07.2023 | Revised Result of B.Tech. CSE Sixth Semester ( Roll no. 202126)  |
24.07.2023 | ReAppear Result of History IV Semester June 2023 Ex Students  |
24.07.2023 | History IV Semester Result June 2023  |
24.07.2023 | ReAppear Result History IV Semester June 2023 Ex Students  |
24.07.2023 | IV Semester Result of B.Sc. Hons. Psychology June 2023  |
22.07.2023 | Re-Appear 4th Semester Result B.Ed  |
22.07.2023 | Re-Appear 1st semester M.PEd Result  |
20.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Chemistry  |
20.07.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering  |
20.07.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS Sixth Semester  |
20.07.2023 | Re-Evaluation Result of M.Ed. and MPED  |
20.07.2023 | Revised Result of Geography (Roll.No. 210740)  |
19.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology  |
19.07.2023 | Final Result of M.Sc. EVS and M.Ed.  |
18.07.2023 | Final Result of Master of Travel and Tourism Management  |
18.07.2023 | Final Result of M.Sc. Yoga  |
18.07.2023 | Final Result of M.Tech. Energy System Management  |
18.07.2023 | Revised Result of III Semester M.Tech. Energy System Management  |
18.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester- M.H.M.C.T  |
17.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester- Master of Science(Statistics)  |
17.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester- M.com and Pol. Science  |
17.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester- Master of Arts(Psychology)  |
17.07.2023 | Result of IV Semester- Master of Arts(Sanskrit)  |
17.07.2023 | VI Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology  |
17.07.2023 | IV Semester Result of B.Voc. Industrial Waste Management  |
17.07.2023 | Revised Result of B.Voc. Retail & Logistics Management IV Semester (Roll no. 211312, 211323)  |
17.07.2023 | Final Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering ( Roll no. 192001,192015)  |
17.07.2023 | Updated Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering Final Semester ( Roll no. 192082)  |
14.07.2023 | Revised Result of LLB (2nd, 3rd and 4th sem) and LLM (1st sem).  |
13.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of B.Voc. BMS  |
12.07.2023 | Final Result of B.Tech. CSE ( Roll no. 11515)  |
12.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.Tech. Structural Engineering  |
12.07.2023 | III Semester Result of M.A. Sociology (Roll no. 210345)  |
12.07.2023 | Revised Result of First Semester M.A. Psychology (Roll no. 210284)  |
12.07.2023 | 1st Semester Result of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Hons) in Psychology  |
11.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.A. Hindi and M.A. Economics |
11.07.2023 | V & VIII Semester Result of B. Tech. PPT ( Roll no. 192250) |
11.07.2023 | 1st Semester Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Retail and Logistics Management |
11.07.2023 | M.Com Result 3rd Semester |
11.07.2023 | 1st Semester Result of M.Sc. Nutrition Biology |
10.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Nut. Biology |
10.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.A. English |
10.07.2023 | Re-Evaluation LLB 3rd sem. |
10.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of B.Voc. Retail and Logistics Management |
10.07.2023 | Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Printing and Packaging Technology |
10.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.Sc. Mathematics and M.Sc. Biochemistry |
07.07.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Industrial Waste Management |
06.07.2023 | Final Result of M.Libsc., Biotech, MPED IV Semester June 2023 |
06.07.2023 | Re-evaluation Result of LLB Jan-2023 |
05.07.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Biomedical Sciences |
05.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of Master of Computer Application (MCA) |
04.07.2023 | Fourth Semester Result of M.A. Sociology |
04.07.2023 | Sixth Semester Result of B.Voc. Retail & Logistics Management |
03.07.2023 | M.Sc Physics IV Reult |
28.06.2023 | Re-evaluation Result |
27.06.2023 | Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering |
26.06.2023 | Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Electrical Engineering |
26.06.2023 | Final Semester Result of B.Tech. Civil Engineering |
23.06.2023 | Re-evaluation Result of Economics, MTTM, History and Law |
22.06.2023 | Result of Ph.D. Law 1st Sem |
21.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result of LL.B. 1st Sem |
21.06.2023 | Result of LL.B. 5th Sem |
20.06.2023 | Re-Evaluation Result of B.Tech. III,V & VII Semester January 2023 |
20.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result LL.B. First Semester |
20.06.2023 | Result of LL.B. and LL.M. 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
19.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result of PG Programme and Ph.D.(Sociology) First Semester |
16.06.2023 | Result of M.Sc.Chemistry,M.Sc.Mathematics, Master of Education M.Ed. 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
16.06.2023 | Result of Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
16.06.2023 | Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Biomedical Sciences 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
16.06.2023 | Result of Bachelor of Vocational Studies (B.Voc.) in Industrial Waste Management 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
16.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result of B.Voc. BMS & IWM |
16.06.2023 | Final Result of M.Phil. English Firdous Nazir |
15.06.2023 | Result of M.Sc. (Data Science) 1st Semester Exam held on March 2023 |
13.06.2023 | Result of Integrated B.Sc.- M.Sc.(Chemistry),Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC), Master of Science (Environmental Science),Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc.(Mathematics) Exam held on March 2023 |
12.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result of M.Sc. Biotechnology First Semester (211207) |
09.06.2023 | Updated Result of Ph.D. (Microbiology) Exam held on March 2023 |
07.06.2023 | Master of Technology (Structural Engineering) result of 1st Semester |
07.06.2023 | Re-Appear Result of MCA First Semester ( Roll no. 210533) |