DBSKKV Recruitment 2016 for 5 Posts
Agriculture University, Ratnagiri Recruitment 2016 at www.dbskkv.org
DBSKKV invites applications from candidates who are interested in Applying for this recruitment also they should be eligible for this Posts. So All Eligible candidates have to apply ONLINE through Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist., Ratnagiri. (Agricultural University)‘s website www.dbskkv.org for the posts of Tractor Driver, Jeep Driver, Office Assistant, Field Assistant & Agriculture Assistant. There are Total of 5 posts or Vacancies under this DBSKKV Recruitment 2016. So Dear friends if you are eligible and interested for this recruitment process then you have to complete registration Process through the Online Application Forms Links given below on this page. Also You are requested that you should read Given PDF advertisement file, which given details Information about DBSKKV Recruitment, Application Procedure, Important Dates, Required Education Qualification Details, Application Fees Details, Reservation Quota Details & Other important information of this recruitment Process. So Remember, Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility mentioned in the Advertisement.
Tractor Driver, Jeep Driver, Office Assistant, Field Assistant & Agriculture Assistant Post Details, Apply Online
DBSKKV has published notification for the recruitment of Tractor Driver, Jeep Driver, Office Assistant, Field Assistant & Agriculture Assistant posts. The job is on temporary basis. Those candidates interested in this job & Have a the desired eligibility conditions as given in the Official Notification advertisement published at http://www.dbskkv.org. Notification can apply Online From the given Links. Last Date to Apply for this recruitment is 24th June 2016.
Details About DBSKKV Recruitment 2016
The Konkan region, inspite of being a generous gift of natural resources, has by and large remainded under-developed. This lad to the peculiar social problem of migration of able-bodied and talented men to nearby areas like Mumbai and Pune in search of employment, leaving behind old men, women and children to look after agriculture in traditional way following the most primitive methods of cultivation.
The University – The Konkan region is distinguished from the rest of Maharashtra State by virtue of its disitinct agroclimatic conditions, soil types, topography, its location between the Sahyadri ranges and the Arabian sea, crops and cropping pattern, land holdings, and socio-economic conditions of the farmers. As such, the problems in agriculture and allied sectors are also entirely different from the other parts of Maharashtra. Due to this uniqueness, the Government of Maharashtra established the Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth on the 18th May 1972 to impart education, conduct research on location specific problems and disseminate the improved crop production technologies amongst the farming community. The university was renamed as Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli on 12th February 2001.
- Name of Department : Regional Coconut Research Station Bhatye, Ratnagiri.
- Pay Scale : 8000/- P.M.
- Age Limits :Not more than 33 years.
- Application Starts: From 08/06/2016
- Last Date : 24/06/2016
- Official Website : www.dbskkv.org
- About DBSKKV :
DBSKKV Recruitment 2016 Vacancy Educational Qualification Details :
The Details of education qualification for the vacancies in Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist., Ratnagiri. (Agricultural University) are as below:
- Tractor Driver – VIIIth Standard pass, having experience in driving heavy vehicle and Tractor, the license from the appropriate authority is essential (Preference to experience candidate)
- Jeep Driver – VIIIth Standard pass, having experience in driving heavy vehicle and Tractor, the license from the appropriate authority is essential (Preference to experience candidate)
- Office Assistant – Graduate in any discipline, Computer Knowledge with MSCITexam passed, Certificate course in Typewriting English 40 WPM, Certificate course in Typewriting Marathi 30 WPM. Should have knowledge to work in MS – Word & Excel. Preference to candidate having experience with official work.
- Field Assistant – Agril. Diploma, MSCIT exam passed, Preference to candidate having experience with field work.
- Agriculture Assistant – Agril. Diploma, MSCIT exam passed, Preference to candidate having experience with field work.
How to Apply for DBSKKV Recruitment 2016
- Candidates should be apply for giving full details in the prescribed proforma which is given below.
- The application should be addressed to the “Agronomist, Regional Coconut Research Station Bhatye, Taluka & Dist Ratnagiri” Pin code 415 612. So as to reach on or before 24.06.2016
- The applications received after the last date will not be considered.
The envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of ……………………. Under the scheme Agronomist, Regional Coconut Research Station Bhatye, Ratnagiri. - The eligible candidates will be interviewed by selection committee.
- All will have to be produced in original at the time of interview.
- No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates called for interview.
- The selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking on stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- that he/she will not leave job during the appointment period and shall complete the assignment.
- The candidates will be appointed for 11 month period (or less than that as per project duration.)
- Candidate should note that they should submit application to office of undersigned.
- Interview will be conducted in the office of Director of Research. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidvapeeth, Dapoli.
- No separate call letters will be issued for attending interviews.
- The candidate will have no any claim for his/her continuation of service as well as claim for appointment on regular establishment in the services of “Agronomist, Regional Coconut Research Station Bhatye, Ratnagiri.
DBSKKV Selection Process 2016
For the Practice of papers you can refer a website www.GovExam.in where lots of government Examination sample papers are given for the practice.
Important Links:
For complete notification and proforma of DBSKKV recruitment 2016 are given below. Interested candidates click below to see the details. Further details of DBSKKV recruitment are updated soon on our website www.getresults.in. keep visit on www.getresults.in for regular updates of university recruitment, result & time table etc.,