Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh
GMCH Recruitment 2021 : Online applications are invited for filing up the following Group ‘C’ posts of Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) on temporary basis, but likely to continue:-
S. No. | Activity | Last Date |
1 | Start date for ONLINE submission of application | November 15, 2021 |
2 | Last date for ONLINE submission of application | December 27, 2021 |
3 | Last date for submission of fee in any SBI branch | December 30, 2021 |
Name of the Post & Pay Scale No. of Vacancies Ex-Servicemen Total
Categories : UR SC OBC EWS PH (PwD) (OL) UR SC OBC
Staff Nurse(Nursing Officer) Consolidated
Pay of Rs. 29200/- on the basis of 7th CPC,
Online applications are invited for filling up the following Group ‘C’ posts of Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) in Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh on temporary basis, but likely to continue:
Number of Vacancies | ||||||||||||||
Ex-Servicemen | ||||||||||||||
S.No | UR | SC | OBC | EWS | PwD (OL) | UR | SC | OBC | ||||||
1 . | 64 | 20 | 31 | 16 | 02 | 09 | 05 | 15 |
The candidates willing to apply should visit at GMCH website i.e. and click on vacancy or the site can be accessed by typing for further details like, ONLINE Application form, Pay Scale, Eligibility Criteria, application fee and Terms & Conditions, etc. In case of Technical Assistance/difficulty/enquiry regarding submission of ONLINE Application form candidates can send email at
Scheduled Caste : Rs. 500/-
General Category/OBC/EWS : Rs.1000/-
Ex-Servicemen (EXM),PH (PwD) : exempted
AGE LIMIT AS ON 01.01.2021:
a) 18-37 years.
b) Age relaxation (upper limit) to the posts mentioned above will be given.
i) SC – Maximum five (05) years
ii) OBC – Maximum Three (03) years
iii) Any other category – As per Chandigarh Administration Rules.
1. Examination centers for written test will be notified at the time of downloading of admit card-cum-Roll No. slip. The candidates will report at the Examination center one hour before the scheduled time alongwith admit card-cum-Roll No. slip and the same passport size photograph as uploaded in the ON-LINE Application form, so that proper
frisking of the candidates could be made.
2. No request for change of examination center will be entertained.
3. Wherever the evaluation is in terms of grades, the candidates must attach the conversion scale.
4. Selection will be made purely on the basis of merit in written test subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions and simply appearing in the written test does not give any right to
the candidates for appointment. As such, candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility conditions to the post applied for. No interview will be conducted.
5. Documents for claiming benefit of reserved categories should be obtained from
competent authority not less than Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/SDM/ District Sainik Welfare Board/ Chief Medical Officer as the case
may be.
6. A candidate would be eligible for the benefit of reservation of Other Backward Class
(OBC) whose caste is notified in the State list of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) of Union Territory, Chandigarh. In case, the caste is not notified in the Sate list of OBC of Union Territory, Chandigarh, his/her candidature will be treated as un-reserved.
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars
that are false, tampered with or fabricated and should not suppress any material information while submitting online application. At the time of examination or in a subsequent selection procedure, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of:
i. using unfair means or
ii. impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or
iii. misbehaving in the examination or disclosing, publishing, reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of contents of the test(s) or any information therein in whole or part thereof in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronically or mechanically for any purpose or
iv. resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his / her candidature or
v. obtaining support for his/ her candidature by unfair means, or
vi. carrying mobile phones (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device in the examination hall, such a candidate may, in addition to rendering himself/ herself ineligible will also be liable to criminal prosecution.
to be disqualified from examination for which he/ she is a candidate
to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination conducted by Chandigarh Administration
for termination of service, if he /she has already joined the Chandigarh Administration as per rules.
1 No Hard copy of the Online application form photocopies of certificates/testimonials are required to be submitted by the candidates. These documents will be demanded later on as per the merit of the Written Test.
2 The applications received other than through Online process will not be entertained and rejected summarily.
3 All the information such as download of admit card, written test, inviting hard copy of
application, date of counseling etc. will be uploaded on the website i.e. and click on vacancy or the site can be accessed by typing Therefore all the applicants are instructed to keep checking above mentioned website on regular basis for future update(s).
4 Though every step have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the advertisement still the department reserve the right to deal with any error that may have crept in accordance with the existing notified Recruitment Rules of the department as well as approved Selection Criteria.
5 For Technical Assistance regarding Online submission of application candidates can send email to
- Public Notice – [ Updated on: 15/11/2021 07:26 ]
- General Instructions – [ Updated on: 15/11/2021 07:26 ]
- How to Apply – [ Updated on: 15/11/2021 07:26 ]
- Eligibility Criteria – [ Updated on: 15/11/2021 07:26 ]
- Selection Criteria – [ Updated on: 15/11/2021 07:26 ]