Gujarat Diploma Engineering Admission 2016 – 2017 at
Diploma Engineering (Polytechnic) Admission 2016 – 2017 At Gujarat Details : As now the result of SSC Examination (i.e. 10th) is declared. Students of Gujarat are taking admission to various faculties. Out of which Diploma Engineering is very popular in Gujarat. After 10th class students can directly take admission to Polytechnic Diploma engineering faculty. So it make carrier safe. So large number of students from all over state apply for Diploma Engineering Professional Courses through official admission website and where online choices are available for applying various faculties of Engineering.
Important Date for Admission of Diploma Engineering 2016 – 2017
Following is the detail schedule of Diploma Engineering Polytechnic Admission: –
SrNo. | Activities | Date |
1 | Distribution of Information Booklets and PINS from designated Branches of Bank | 07-06-2016 to 17-06-2016 |
2 | Online Registration & submission of filled Registration form with necessary documents at Help-center. | 07-06-2016 to 18-06-2016 |
3 | Declaration of Provisional Merit List | 23-06-2016 |
4 | Choice Filling for Mock Round | 24-06-2016 to 28-06-2016 |
5 | Display of Mock Round result | 30-06-2016 |
6 | Declaration of Final Merit List | 02-07-2016 |
7 | Filling & Alteration of choices by the candidates for Actual Admission Round-1 | 02-07-2016 to 05-07-2016 |
8 | Declaration of Allotment List of the Actual Admission Round-1 | 07-07-2016 |
9 | Deposition of Tuition Fees in the Bank and Online for confirmation of allotted Admission | 07-07-2016 to 12-07-2016 |
10 | Intimation to not-reporting candidates by SMS. | 11-07-2016 |
11 | Online cancellation of admission | 08-07-2016 to 12-07-2016 |
12 | Display of Vacancy after Actual Admission Round-1 | 14-07-2016 |
13 | Consent for Reshuffling and alteration of choices, if any, for Actual Admission Round-2 | 14-07-2016 to 16-07-2016 |
14 | Declaration of Allotment List of the Actual Admission Round-2 | 19-07-2016 |
15 | Deposition of Tuition Fees in the Bank and Online for confirmation of allotted Admission | 19-07-2016 to 22-07-2016 |
16 | Intimation to not-reporting candidates by SMS. | 21-07-2016 |
17 | Online cancellation of admission | 20-07-2016 to 22-07-2016 |
18 | Display of Vacancy after Actual Admission Round-2 | 26-07-2016 |
19 | Commencement of academic term | 04-08-2016 |
Other Details Like
Selection List
Waiting List
Merit List
Seat Details of Diploma Engineering Collages in gujarat : –
Sr. No. Name of colleges or institutions No. of Seats
01 Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad, 25
02 Government Polytechnic for Girls, Ahmedabad, 25
03 Sir Bhavsinghji Polytechnic Institute, Bhavnagar, 14
04 Dr. S. and S. S. Gandhy College of Engg. and Tech., Surat. 21
Admissions to Professional Diploma Courses.-
(1) Admissions to the first year of the Professional Diploma Courses shall be given as under, namely:-(a) All the Government Seats shall be filled in on the basis of merit list prepared by the Admission
(b) All the Management Seats shall be filled by the management of the respective Professional
Educational College or Institution, on the basis of inter-se merit list of the candidates whose
names appear in the merit list prepared by the Admission Committee.
(2) The Admission Committee shall guide, supervise and control the entire process of admission of
candidates to the Professional Diploma Courses in the Professional Educational Colleges or Institutions.
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