JEE Advance 2016 Result 2016
JEE Advance Result 2016 examination online result is now available. The result is published on 12th June 2016, While the examination of JEE was held in April 2016. Large number of Students appear for this Courses every year. You Can Check your Online result From following Result Section.
Admission Notice of JEE (Advanced) 2016
Admission criteria to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, Other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions, Institutions funded by participating State Governments, and other Institutions shall include the performance in the class 12/equivalent qualifying Examination and in the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main). The Paper-1 (B. E./B. Tech.) of JEE (Main) will also be an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs.
The States of Gujarat, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Odisha have joined JEE (Main) system. Therefore, the candidates seeking admission to the institutions in these states, which were earlier admitting based on their State Level Examination, are also advised to fill in the JEE (Main) – 2016 application form online.
Qualifying Criteria for JEE (Advanced) 2016
The total marks obtained in Mathematics will be the marks awarded for Mathematics in Paper 1 and Paper 2. The total marks obtained in Physics and Chemistry will also be calculated in the same way. The aggregate marks will be calculated as the sum of the marks obtained in Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry. Candidates have to satisfy the subject-wise as well as the aggregate qualifying marks to be included in a rank list.
Maximum aggregate marks: 372 (186 each in Paper-1 and Paper_2)
Maximum marks in Physics- 124 (62 each in Paper-1 and Paper-2)
Maximum marks in Chemistry: 124 (62 each in Paper-1 and Paper_2)
Maximum marks in Mathematics: 124 (62 each in Paper-1 and Paper-2)
This Year for April 2016 Examination of B.Ed. Phy Edu. Total 16 Candidates were registered for the Examination. Out of which 11 Students have successfully cleared the Examination. So the Passing Percentage of Pune University B.Ed. April 2016 Examination is 68.75 which is Very good. So this result is really delightful for Pune University Candidates.
How to check The JEE Advance Result 2016:
We have given an Official Website Link and Result Section on this page, you can check your Result From both the places.
- Select the Result 2016 option Click on JEE Result 2016
- Enter your Roll Number & Enter Date of Birth
- Click on Submit button.
- Download the result
- Take a print for your future use.
Question Papers JEE(Main)-2016 Paper I
JEE (Main) question paper 2016 set are available below: Candidate refer the question paper set for further use. JEE Main 2016, Merit List of JEE Advance 2016 and JEE Main 2016 Apply online etc., separate links are given below: