Maharashtra SSC 2016 result by SMS
Maharashtra Board SSC or 10th Examination result can be check online by SMS. Maharashtra Board MSBSHSE has given facility for students to get their Result By sending 1 SMS code to given number as per the your Mobile Phone Operator. Just Send SMS and your get your SSC 2016 result on your mobile.
How to Check 10th Result By SMS
Maharashtra Board SSC Results of 2016 through our SMS service. MSBSHSE team is working on the platform to further make its access for the students easier. As of now the students will have to give their details in the comment box below to get free access to our service. The students are requested to enter their Name as in the Admit card, mobile number and the admit card number in the following manner,<Name> <Mobile Number><Admit Card Number>. Kindly provide space after each detail. The names and numbers in the comment box will only receive their results as SMS in their registered mobile numbers.
- BSNL- mhssc space seat no. Send to short code 57766 (Ex : mhssc xxxxxxxxxx)
- Airtel- MAH10 (space) (rollnumber) to 5207011
- Idea, Vodafone, reliance, Tata Docomo, Telenor, BSNL MAH10 (space) (roll number) to 58888111.
- Maharashtra Board SSC Result by SMS
- Help Line Numbers Maharashtra SSC Result 2016
- Maharashtra SSC Name Wise Result 2016
- Maharashtra SSC Result 2016 at