Maharashtra Scholarship Test 2021 Exam Postponed

Maharashtra Scholarship Test 2021 for Classes 5 and 8 postponed due to Covid-19

शिष्यवृत्ती परीक्षा – २०२१ कोरोना विषाणूचा वाढता प्रादुर्भाव पाहता विद्यार्थी हितास प्राधान्य देऊन तूर्त पुढे ढकलण्यात येत आहे. परीक्षेची पुढील तारीख यथावकाश कळविण्यात येईल

Maharashtra Scholarship Test 2021 Exam Postponed: Due to the surge in Covid-19 cases in India, Maharashtra’s School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad said that in view of the safety of  students amid the outbreak of Corona epidemic, the Pre Higher Secondary Scholarship Examination (Class 5) and Pre Secondary Scholarship Examination (Class 8) to be held on May 23, 2021 will be next The order has been postponed.

Update News : Due to the surge in Covid-19 cases in India, the Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE) has postponed the Maharashtra Scholarship Test 2021 for Classes 5 and 8 once again. The exam was earlier scheduled for April 25 and then was rescheduled to be held on May 23. Students can keep checking for the new exam date on the official website —

Maharashtra Scholarship Test 2021 Exam Postponed