Nagpur University BFD First Year Summer 2016 Result

Nagpur University BFD First Year Summer 2016 Result

RTM Nagpur University BFD (Bachelor of Fashion Design) First Year Summer 2016 examination result is published now. Candidates can check their results from the following given Result Section.  FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF FASHION DESIGN SUMMER 2016 students of Nagpur University was waiting for this result from last few days. Now its very good news for all BFD First Years is published by RTM Nagpur university. The result of the BFD Nagpur University is the declared out of 800 Marks. Following are the marks of the candidates passed in the examination.

Nagpur University BFD First Year Summer 2016 Marksheet

BFD First Year RTMNU Summer 2016 Mark-sheet are also available for downloading. candidates can download the Mark sheets from the following given result links. Candidates can get their Marksheet from details. Candidates have to Enter their roll number & Select Exam name as BFD result & download the Marksheet.

Nagpur University BFD First Year Summer 2016 Result

Nagpur University BFD First Year Summer 2016 Result




The following Roll Nos are declared successful. The figures in bracket indicate the aggregate marks obtained. Out of 800.

131013(519) 131019(458) 131029(495) 131039(404) 131041(501) 131043(482) 131045(426) 131046(476) 131052(475) 131053(485) 131054(528) 131056(508)
131057(613) 131058(616) 131060(445) 131063(513) 131064(498) 131071(403) 131074(382) 131076(475) 131079(431) 131081(395) 131082(417) 131109(472)
131120(480) 131125(522) 131127(507) 131145(436) 131146(465) 131160(567) 131163(513) 131171(591) 131172(510) 131174(500) 131182(535) 131185(535)
131187(576) 131188(531) 131193(551) 131195(497) 131202(478) 131251(558) 131252(463) 131253(513) 131255(622) 131256(534) 131257(630) 131261(597)
131263(518) 131264(522) 131265(452) 133065(524) 133070(524) 133091(600) 133116(443)

To be Announced Latter
131020 ***** 131038 ***** 131096 ***** 131148 ***** 131151 ***** 133097 ***** 133121

List of Roll No’s who failed with Exemption
131001- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5S,6,7,8 131002- 1,2,3,4,5S,6W,7,8 131003- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5S,6W,7W,8 131004- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7,8
131005- 1,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131006- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131007- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131008- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7W,8
131009- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131010- 1S,1W,2,3,4S,5,6W,7,8 131011- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131012- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7,8
131022- 2,5

131040- 3,5 131044- 3
131055- 1,2,3,4,5S,6,7,8 131059- 1,2,3S,3P,4,5,6W,7,8 131061- 1,2,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7W,8 131062- 1,2,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8
131065- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7W,8 131073- 5,7 131077- 3 131078- 3,7
131080- 4,5
131094- 1,2,3T,3P,4,5T,7,8 131095- 1,2,3P,4T,5T,7,8 131097- 1,2P,3T,3P,4,7T,8 131098- 1,2,3P,4T,7T,8
131099- 1,2,3P,4,5T,7,8 131100- 1,2,3T,3P,4T,7T,8 131101- 1,2,3T,3P,4T,5,6T,8 131102- 1,2,3T,3P,4T,6,7T,8
131103- 1T,2T,2P,3T,3P,4,7T,8
131115- 1,2,3,4,5S,6W,7,8 131116- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131117- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131118- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8
131119- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7,8 131121- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131122- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131123- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7W,8
131124- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131126- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7W,8 131128- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131129- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7W,8
131130- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7,8 131131- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131132- 1,2S,3S,3P,4S,5,6W,7W,8 131133- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8
131134- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131135- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7W,8 131136- 1,2,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8 131138- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7W,8
131139- 1,2,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7,8
131159- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8 131161- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5,6,7,8 131162- 1,2T,3T,4S,5,6,7W,8 131164- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6,7,8
131165- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5,6,7,8 131166- 1,2,3S,3P,4,5,6,7,8 131167- 1,2,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8 131168- 1,2,3S,3P,4S,5S,6,7W,8
131169- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6,7,8 131170- 1,2,3S,3P,4S,5S,6,7W,8 131173- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8 131175- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8
131181- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7,8 131183- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131184- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5,6,7,8 131186- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8
131189- 1,2S,3,4,5,6,7,8 131190- 1S,1W,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7,8 131191- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7,8 131192- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5S,6,7,8
131194- 1S,1W,2S,3S,4S,5S,6W,7W,8 131201- 3,4 131204- 4,5,7
131254- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5S,6,7W,8 131258- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6W,7,8 131259- 1,2S,2P,3S,3P,4,5S,6,7,8 131260- 1,2S,2P,3,4,5,6,7,8
131262- 1,2S,2P,3,4S,5S,6,7,8 131266- 1,2,3S,3P,4S,5S,6W,7W,8
133061- 1,8 133062- 1,2,3T,3P,5,6,7,8 133063- 1,2P,3P,4T,6T,7,8 133064- 1,2P,3P,4T,8
133066- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,8 133067- 1T,2,3,4T,5T,6,7T,8 133068- 1,2P,3P,7T,8 133069- 1,2P,3T,3P,6T,7,8
133071- 1,2P,3P,8 133072- 1,2P,3P,7T,8 133073- 1,2P,3P,8 133074- 1,2T,2P,3T,3P,4T,5T,6,7,8
133075- 1,2P,3P,4T,7T,8 133076- 1,2T,2P,3P,4T,5T,7,8 133077- 1,2P,3T,3P,6T,7T,8 133078- 2P,3P,7T,8
133079- 1,2,3P,4T,6T,7T,8 133080- 1,4T,8 133081- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,7T,8 133082- 1,2P,3T,3P,4,7T,8
133083- 1,2,3P,4T,5T,6T,7,8 133084- 1,2T,2P,3P,4,5T,7,8 133085- 1,2P,3P,7,8 133086- 1,2,3P,4T,5T,7T,8
133087- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,8 133088- 1,2T,2P,3T,3P,4T,5,6T,7,8 133089- 1,2P,3P,7T,8 133090- 1,2P,3T,3P,4,6T,7T,8
133092- 1,7T,8 133093- 1,2T,2P,3P,7T,8 133094- 2P,3P,8 133095- 2P,3P,8
133096- 1,2,3T,3P,4,5,6T,7T,8 133099- 1,2P,3P,7T,8 133100- 1,2,3,4,5T,7,8 133101- 2P,3P,8
133102- 8 133103- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,7T,8 133104- 1,2T,2P,3,4,5T,6,7,8 133105- 1,2P,3P,4T,7,8
133106- 1,2T,2P,3T,3P,4T,6T,7,8 133107- 1,2,3T,3P,4T,5T,6,7,8 133108- 1,2P,3P,4T,8 133109- 1,2,3T,3P,4,5T,6,7,8
Page No- 1
133110- 1,2P,3,4T,5T,6,7,8 133111- 1,2P,3P,7,8 133112- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,6,7T,8 133113- 1,2P,3P,4T,7,8
133114- 1,2T,2P,3T,3P,4,5T,6T,7,8 133115- 1,2P,3P,5T,6,7,8 133117- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,7T,8 133118- 1,2P,3T,3P,6T,8
133119- 1,2P,3T,3P,6T,7T,8 133120- 1,2,3P,4T,5T,6T,7T,8 133122- 1,2P,3P,4T,8 133123- 1,2P,3P,7T,8
133124- 1,2T,2P,3T,3P,4T,5T,6T,7,8 133125- 1,2P,3P,8 133126- 1,2P,3P,4T,5T,7T,8

Controller of Examinations,
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj,
Nagpur University.