NHM Haryana CHO Admit Card 2021 Out
Download Link for Mid Level Health Providers-cum-Community Health Officer Call Letter
NHM Haryana CHO Admit Card 2021 Download: National Health Mission, Haryana have recently released notifications for 671 vacancies of Mid-level Health Providers (MLHP) cum Community Health Officer (CHO).Candidates, who are shortlisted to appear in NHM Haryana CHO Exam 07 March 2021 (Sunday), can download NHM Haryana Admit Card from the official website of NHM Haryana – nhmharyana.gov.in.
The written test has been now rescheduled for March 07, 2021, for which the admit card link is active. The list of provisionally eligible candidates considered on the basis of online Application Forms & attached documents will be uploaded on the NHM Website on March 03, 2021, in the evening. Check details here.
National Health Mission, Haryana CHO Admit Card : Download Linke
2. The schedule & venue for Counselling & Document Verification will be intimated later on.
3. All the Candidates are required to bring hard copy (print out) of their Admit Card
alongwith his/her photo imposed/embossed Valid Identity Proof on the day of Written
Test. The eligible Candidate can download their Admit Card from the NHM Official
website (i.e. www.nhmharyana.gov.in) w.e.f. 04/03/2021 by 3:00pm onwards, as no
separate Admit Card will be issued by NHM Haryana.
4. Candidate(s) without Admit & Valid Identity Cards will not be entertained for appearing in the Written Test and subsequent Counselling/Document Verification.
5. The list of provisionally eligible Candidates is given at Annexure-1, who are allowed to appear in the Written Test, as per the above Schedule. However, their final selection is subject to the fulfillment of prescribed eligibility criteria as given in the advt. and verification of documents.
6. In compliance with Orders of the Hon’ble High Court for the States of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh, the Candidates, as per Annexure-2 have been allowed to appear in the Written Test. The Candidates, who were not able to apply online and submitted their Application Forms physically at NHM SHQ, are also required to download their Admit Cards. For such candidates, special Enrolment No. have been generated on NHM website, which are given against their names and by entering that Enrolment No. and Date of Birth, they can download their Admit Cards. However, final selection of all Candidates is subject to the decision of Hon’ble High Court in respective case.
7. Although as per the Advertisement, one candidate was allowed to apply only for one District, as District-wise merit is to be prepared for final selection. If any candidate applied for more than one District, in such case that district will be considered for selection against which she/he appeared for in the Written Test.
8. OMR Based Evaluation Sheets will be used for the Written Test. All Candidates are advised to read the Instructions mentioned on the Admit Card carefully. Detailed instructions regarding use of OMR Based Evaluation Sheets will be mentioned in the document to be downloaded with Admit Card. All Candidates are required to bring their own Cardboard/Clipboard, Blue/Black Ball Pen for attempting the Written Test.
9. It is reiterated that passing the Written Test shall not be considered as selected for the said post, as the final selection is subject to the fulfilment of prescribed eligibility criteria and verification of original documents, as per the advertisement.
10. In view of COVID-19 pandemic situation, all candidates shall be required to follow the COVID19 Guidelines; particularly for wearing of mask, maintaining social distance, and using of sanitizer etc. at the time of appearing in Written Exam and further Counselling. Although NHM Haryana shall make necessary arrangements for sanitizer for the Candidates; even if, Candidates wish, they may carry transparent bottle of sanitizer upto 100ml at the venue of Written Exam and Counselling Session.
11. All communication related to this Advertisement will be issued/uploaded only through/on the NHM Haryana Official Website (i.e. www.nhmharyana.gov.in). Therefore, all candidates are suggested to keep checking the NHM Website for latest updates.
In continuation of Public Notice-4 Dated: 28/03/2021 for all the enrolled Applicants, who have applied for 671 posts of Mid-level Health Providers-cum-Community Health Officer in response to the Advt. No. 1/2020-21(HWC-CP)/7026; Dated: 28/12/2020 published in different News Papers on 24/12/2020, 29/12/2020 & 05/01/2021, and Corrigendum No. NHM-CP/HWC-HR/427; Dated: 06/01/2021 are hereby informed that: Download Enrolled Applicant Name