Patwari & Gram Sachiv Exam HSSC Admit Cards, Result Online 2015 – 2016
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) Patwari & Gram Sachiv Written Examination Admit Cards / Hall Tickets Download From this page. Download Link is given to Download the Admit Cards. The Admit Card are compulsory to Download for the Examination. The Exam department is going to issue admit card for the written test which will be conducted as the screening process to select the eligible candidates among many who have completed registration process for 1327 available posts (892 for Canal Patwari and 435 for Gram Sachiv) of Gram Sachiv and Canal Patwari posts. Month long application process for the selection ended on 21st October and the Commission is all set to conduct recruitment written exam as selection method. It will issue HSSC Canal Patwari Admit Card 2015 on its website: and at least 15 days before the date of the written exam.
HSSC Gram Sachiv & Canal Patwari Exam Date Given
The examination is likely to be extremely competitive as thousands of interested and potential applicants will complete against each other. So, it is advised to all those who will sit for the exam is that they should try to make full use of the time left and study according to the exam pattern and syllabus prescribed by HSSC.
hssc admit card 2015 download Section
Applicants should be able to access HSSC Canal Patwari Hall Ticket 2015 from the website by providing their registration number or date of birth. If any one of the candidates fails to get admit card from the online method, they will have to contact with the Commission office with required documents. No personal admit card will be issued.
Department Name | Haryana Staff Selection Commission |
Address | Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula, Pin-134151 Haryana |
Phone | 9115004036; 9115004037; 9115004038; 9115004039 |
Download admit cards for Category No 1 Constable (Male) date has been further extended. Now candidate can download the admit card till 22nd April 2016 before 5:00 PM. from your Login. Physical Exam Date, Physical Exam Venue and Physical Exam time will be communicated later.
Download admit cards for Category No 1 Constable (Male) date has been further extended. Now candidate can download the admit card till 10th April 2016 before 11:59 PM. from your Login. Physical Exam Date, Physical Exam Venue and Physical Exam time will be communicated later.
Download admit cards for Category No 1 Constable (Male) date has been extended. Now candidate can download the admit card till 31st March 2016 before 11:59 PM. from your Login. Physical Exam Date, Physical Exam Venue and Physical Exam time will be communicated later.
List of Candidates who have applied in response to Advertisement No 02/2013 and reached upto interview stage
Required Documents For HSSC Gram Sachiv & Canal Patwari Exam Date Given
Sr. No. | Document Name |
1 | Scanned Photocopy of Matric Mark Sheet showing date of birth duly self-certified by affixing right hand thumb impression for female and left hand thumb impression for Male |
2 | Scanned copy Class 12th Mark Sheet for post No 1 to 4 |
3 | Scanned copy of Haryana Domicile certificate |
4 | Scanned copy Graduate Mark sheet for Post No 5 |
HSSC Gram Sachiv & Patwari Syllabus 2015
English section will contain questions on Tenses, Vocabulary, Precise Test, Fill in the blanks, Error Detection, Comprehension, One Word Substitution, Transformation of Sentences.
HSSC Canal Patwari General Knowledge Syllabus 2015:
General Knowledge part will include: General Politics, Science & Technology, Indian Constitution, History of India & Haryana, Geography of India & Haryana, Social Events related to Haryana & India, Culture& Heritage of India & Haryana, Current Events – Haryana, National, International, etc.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Mathematics Syllabus 2015:
Mathematics will contain questions on the 10th level in general. Detailed syllabus include: Discount, Square roots, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Time & work, Interest, Averages, Time and distance, Quadrilaterals, Trigonometric ratio, Standard Identities, Circle and its chords, Ratio and Proportion, Mixture and Allegation, Regular Polygons.
And below documents should be kept ready for further process
Sr. No. | Document Name |
1 | Copy of valid eligibility certificate in case of DESM candidates duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board. |
2 | Copy of BCA/BCB/SC/SBC/EBPG certificate issued by competent authority. |
3 | Copy of Aadhaar Card (Desirable) |
4 | Copy of eChallan in case of Candidates who have applied earlier |