Punjab Police Recruitment 2021 : Recruitment Portal for submission of Online Application and for recruitment related information https://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2021 (hereinafter referred to as the
Recruitment portal).
A link to the above mentioned recruitment portal shall also be made available on the
official Punjab Police website www.punjabpolice.gov.in
Total vacancies of Head Constables – 811
Posts reserved for sportspersons – 24
Balance – 787
Opening Date and Time for Submission of Online Application
04 August, 2021 at 4:00 PM
Closing Date and Time for Submission of Online Application (Applications received after 11:55 pm on 25 August, 2021 shall not be entertained)
25 August, 2021 at 11:55 PM
Online Applications available on https://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2021 are invited from Indian citizens for direct recruitment to fill vacancies of Head Constables (except for the vacancies against the sports quota, which shall be filled separately) in the Investigation Cadre of Punjab Police.
The recruitment for filling up the vacancies in the above said cadre shall be carried out through an Online Application Form and Computer Based Test (CBT) process followed by Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST) with specified qualifying parameters.
Educational Qualifications
Minimum educational qualifications for eligibility
Head Constable (Investigation Cadre) Candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university, or its equivalent
The candidate should be a citizen of India. She/he should not have obtained the citizenship/permanent residency/green card of any other country.
Eligibility criteria regarding age shall be as follows:
Minimum age as on 1 January, 2021- 21 years
There shall be an Online Application Form for recruitment to the post of Head Constables in the Investigation cadre of Punjab Police.
i.) Applications must only be submitted in the online mode on https://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2021 Candidates would be first required to fill
a Registration form followed by the Application Form, which in turn would be linked to
the fee payment gateway.
ii.) Applicants are advised to read the instructions, as given in the Recruitment Portal,
carefully, before filling–up the application form. Incomplete application shall be
rejected outright and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
iii.) The applicants are advised to fill all details, including their correct and active email
address and mobile number, in the online application.
iv.) Applicants must ensure that they have access to good internet facility with
reasonable speed and facility to ensure proper completion of application process
including online payment of fee.
v.) Before starting to fill-up the online application form, candidates must keep the
following information/documents ready (including scanned copies of documents to be
uploaded) as the candidates would be required to upload the requisite documents, as
applicable, in the online Application Form:
a) Personal details
b )Valid and active E-mail ID
c )Valid and active mobile number for receiving SMSs
d )Any one ID proof (Passport, Voter I-Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card)
e )Matriculation certificate for proof of age
f )Details/certificates pertaining to requisite educational qualifications including that for Punjabi language
g) Certificates issued by the Competent Authority for claiming benefit of reservation, if applicable.
h) Online payment Facility such as internet banking, debit/credit card etc.
i )Scanned recent (not older than 3 months) passport size photo against white background (maximum 50-200 KB size in JPEG format). The photograph should be as per the guidelines given in the website www.passportindia.gov.in.
j ) Scanned signatures (maximum 50-200 KB in JPEG format)