RPF Women Constable Admit Card 2016 Download at www.rpfonlinereg.in
RPF Women Constable Admit Card 2016 Download at www.rpfonlinereg.in
RPF Women Constable Recruitment Admit Cards can be download from this page. We have given a link to download the hall tickets from this page. We have given all Details & steps to download the Hall Tickets and Admit Cards from this page. The Hall tickets are required for appering the examination. So get your Hall tickets online.
There are Three stages in registration.. Your registration is successful only on completion of all the stages including template upload. You will receive an email and SMS alert on the completion of successful registration. After the preliminary registration, you will receive the Registration ID. Please preserve it for future use as all subsequent logins are only based the Registration ID and your Date of Birth.Kindly note that successful registration does not imply that application has been accepted. Eligible/Rejection status will be put up after scrutiny.
RPF (Female) Constable Admit Card 2016 Download

For that, RPF is soon going to issue RPF & RSPF Women Constable Admit Card 2016 on the website: www.rpfonlinereg.in After the hall ticket is available, the applicants will need to download that using registration number and date of birth as it will not be available offline.
RPSF Exam Hall Ticket Download
To do well in the highly competitive examination, the candidates will need to take preparation according to the prescribed exam pattern and syllabus. The recruitment authority has already mentioned the detailed syllabus. For General Intelligence portion, questions will be set from analogy, number series, arithmetical reasoning, decision making etc. General Knowledge section will include topics such as Indian history, economics, geography, history etc. Arithmetic portion will include percentage, profit loss, average, ratio, proportion and other secondary level topics.