RTE Maharashtra 2017 Draw Result, Selection List, Waiting List at rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in
ROUND 3 Merit List – Selection List of Candidates are give on this page. Go thrRTE Maharashtra Admission 2017 Draw results, selection & waiting lists details are published today. This year RTE Admission in Maharashtra is carried at www.rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in, portal of RTE Maharashtra. All details of admission details are given below.
Also RTE Nagpur & other cities Result Link is given below to check the status of result online. Merit lists of Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, Round 5 will be updates on time to time. We keep Updating all links of All current & Coming rounds on this page. So keep visiting us.
EDUCATION Department is holding first lottery draw of admissions to be done under Right to Education (RTE) Act on Tuesday 11 am at Maharashtra & All region.
How to Check RTE Draw Result Online from rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in

RTE Maharashtra 2017 Draw Result
After the completion of draw procedure, the list of the selected candidates will be sent to National Informatics Centre (NIC), Pune and then the technical process will be completed. After the completion of technical process within a weekparents will be informed through SMS. Parents can download on-line admit card by submitting application number and password on website ‘www.rte25admission.maharashtra.gov. in’, informed Education Officer.
Even after repeated instructions, most of the parents had submitted multiple applications of their wards to get admission under Right to Education (RTE) Act. This has happened because most of the parents skipped visiting Government centres and instead taken help of internet cafe and centres started by Non-Government Organisations (NGO). As per earlier warning, finally education department has considered only one application valid.
Highly placed sources in the education department said that most of the parents went to various internet cafes, private centres where they were misguided. They did not get clear direction and guidance about submitting applications. At private centres and internet cafes they were told that multiple applications would help them in getting admissions in right school.
But, education department feared that students might get admission in multiple institutes and would put other students in trouble. Considering this aspect, Education Department had appealed parents to withdraw additional applications and keep only one. While submitting online applications of their wards parents had filled multiple options of schools. Education department had received such applications. Some of the parents had filled wrong date of birth of their wards. The department had asked parents to withdraw additional applications within two days else all the applications would be cancelled except the last one.