UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Recruitment 2016 for 3210 Posts
UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Recruitment 2016 at
Uttar Pradesh service selection commission Lucknow (UPSSSC) invites applications for ‘Tube Well Operator’ from candidates who are interested to apply for this recruitment also they should be eligible for this Posts. So All Eligible candidates have to apply ONLINE through UPSSSC‘s website for the Tube Well Operator. There are Total of 3210 posts or Vacancies under this UPSSSC Recruitment 2016. So Dear friends if you are eligible and interested for this recruitment process then you have to complete registration Process through the Online Application Forms Links given below on this page. Also You are requested that you should read Given PDF advertisement file, which given details Information about UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Recruitment, Application Procedure, Important Dates, Required Education Qualification Details, Application Fees Details, Reservation Quota Details & Other important information of this recruitment Process. So Remember, before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility mentioned in the Advertisement.

UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Recruitment 2016 @
UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Details, Apply Online
UPSSSC has published notification for the recruitment of Tube Well Operator. The job is on Permanent basis. Those candidates interested in this job & Have a the desired eligibility conditions as given in the Official Notification advertisement published at Notification can apply Online From the given Links. Last Date to Apply for this recruitment is 27th July 2016.
Details about UPSSSC Recruitment 2016
All important details of UPSSSC recruitment are given below.
- Name of Department : Uttar Pradesh service selection commission
- Name of Post: Tube Well Operator
- Recruitment at all over Uttar Pradesh.
- Application Mode : Online
- Application Fees : Rs. 225/- For General category & 105/- For SC/ST category
- Age Limits: 18 years to 40 years. (+5 Years for SC/ST)
- Pay Scale : 5200-20200 as 1900 pay grade.
- Application Start Date : 08th July 2016
- Last Date : 29th July 2016
UPSSSC Tube Well Operator Recruitment 2016 Vacancy Details | |||
Sr. No. | Name of Post | Number of Posts | Education Qualification |
1 | Tube Well Operator | 3210 | Class 10th Pass & 2 Year ITI Diploma Certificate in any of the following Trade : 1. Fitter 2. Electrician 3. Tube well boring Technician 4. Machinist 5. Electrical 6. Turner 7. Mechanic 8. Wireman |
How to Apply for UPSSSC Recruitment 2016
- Visit official website
- Try to Find a link of Recruitment / Careers / Apply online
- Select the posts for which you want to apply
- Read Full advertisement PDF file.
- Select a proper link of the application form
- Fill the application form with correct details
- Attach recent photo and scanned certificates
- Pay the application fee if required
- Take the print out of the filled application form for further Use.
- Also Remember to Note Down Your Login User Name and Password.
UPSSSC Selection Process 2016
Selection process for UPSSSC Recruitment 2016 will be based on Written Test and Skill Test/Personal Interview. The candidates who will clear the all rounds will be absorbed into the respective posts. For the Practice of papers you can refer a website where lots of government Examination sample papers are given for the practice.
The Examination will be carried at various locations in all over Uttar Pradesh, For More Exam location Details Please refer the Advertisement PDF file. The number of centres can be reduced or increased depending upon the number of candidates and in that· case the candidates will be asked to appear other than centres specified by him/her. So be prepared for the UPSSSC recruitment 2016. For More Details go through the important links given on this page.