Uttarakhand Board 10th and 12th Syllabus 2021

Uttarakhand Board 10th and 12th Syllabus 2021: Download Reduced Syllabus Pdf Here

Uttarakhand Board 10th and 12th Syllabus 2021 UK Board has released the Uttarakhand Board Syllabus for various classes. The students can check the syllabus according to their classes. Here we mention the syllabus of classes IX, X, XI and XII under the UK Board. It would help you to prepare yourself for specific subjects & fields as per the Uttarakhand Board guidelines. Candidates only have to prepare from this syllabus. No questions will be asked which is not in the Uttarakhand Board Syllabus. Candidates can follow this article regarding the syllabus of the Uttarakhand Board Of School Education.

Uttarakhand Board 10th and 12th Reduced Syllabus 2021 has been released by the Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) on its official website in the pdf form separately for all subjects like Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Social Science, Science, Maths, Agriculture, etc. UBSE will conduct UK Board X and XII Exam 2021. The candidates must prepare following the syllabus as it gives topics to be prepared. Read the article to know more about Uttarakhand Board 10th and 12th  syllabus 2020-21.


How to download Uttarakhand Class 10th and 12th Syllabus 2021?

Candidates can follow below-given steps to download Uttarakhand board class 10th Syllabus pdf 2021:

  • Step 1: Visit the UK Board official web portal- ubse.uk.gov.in
  • Step 2: Click on the “Syllabus” option given at the left side of the page.
  • Step 3: A new window will pop up with the syllabus link. Click on the “Class 10th and 12th Syllabus” given subject-wise.
  • Step 4: Students can download the UK Board 10th and 12th syllabus 2021 PDFs for further reference.


IMPORTANT NOTE : 30%Deleted syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic 


1- Hindi Class 10th Revised 27-10-2020

1- Hindi Class 10th Deleted 27-10-2020

Revised syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic


Sr. NoName of Subject Download Syllabus
3 Sanskrit Download
4Social ScienceDownload
7 Home ScienceDownload
8 Agriculture  Download
10Information TechnologyDownload
11Elements Of Business  Download
12Elements Of Book-Keeping & AccountancyDownload
13Bengali Download

Revised syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic


Sr. NoName of Subject Download Syllabus
11- HindiDownload
2 2- English Download
33- SanskritDownload
44- Social ScienceDownload
55- ScienceDownload
66- MathematicsDownload
77- Home ScienceDownload
88- Elements of BusinessDownload
99- Elements of Book-Keeping & AccountancyDownload
1010- AgricultureDownload
1111- Information TechnologyDownload
12 12- Urdu Download
1313- BengaliDownload
14 14- PunjabiDownload
1515- MultiskillingDownload

Revised syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic


Sr. NoName of Subject Download Syllabus
11- HindiDownload
2 2- English Download
3 3- Sanskrit Download
44- History Download
55- GeographyDownload
66- EconomicsDownload
77- Home ScienceDownload
88- Political ScienceDownload
99- PsychologyDownload
1010- SociologyDownload
1111- EducationDownload
1212- Military ScienceDownload
1313- GeologyDownload
1414- MathematicsDownload
1515- PhysicsDownload
1616- ChemistryDownload
1717- BiologyDownload
1818- AccountancyDownload
1919- Business StudiesDownload
20 20- Computer Science Download
2121- Ag HindiDownload
2222- Agriculture forDownload
2323- UrduDownload
24 24- Bengali Download
2525- PunjabiDownload

Revised syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic

30%Deleted syllabus for the session 2020-21 due to Covid-19 epidemic


1- Hindi

2- English

3- Sanskrit

4- Social Science

5- Science

6- Mathematics

7- Home Science

8- Agriculture

9- Urdu

10- Information Technology

 11- Elements of Business

12- Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy

13- Punjabi

 14- Bengali


1- Hindi

2- English

3- Sanskrit

 4- Social Science

5- Science

 6- Mathematics

7- Home Science

 8- Agriculture

9- Urdu

10- Information Technology

11- Bengali

12- Elements of Business

13- Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy

14- Punjabi

15- Multiskilling


1- Hindi

2- English

3- Sanskrit

4- History

6- Economics

7-Home Science 

8- Political Science 

9- Psychology 

10- Sociology 

11- Mathematics 

12- Physics 

13- Chemistry 

14- Biology

15- Business Studies

16- Agriculture for F1 

17- Urdu 

18- Computer Science

19- Education

20- Military Science

21- Geology 

22- Accountancy

23- Punjabi


1- Hindi

2- English

3- Sanskrit

4- History

5- Geography

6- Economics

7- Home Science

8- Political Science

9- Psychology

10- Sociology

11- Mathematics

12- Physics

13- Chemistry

 14- Biology

15- Business Studies

16- Agriculture for F2

17- Urdu

18- Computer Science

19- Education

20- Military Science

21- Geology

22- Bengali

23- Accountancy

24- Punjabi

25- Agriculture Hindi