IBPS PO Recruitment 2021 Apply Online

IBPS PO Recruitment 2021 Apply Online, direct link to register

Common Recruitment Process (CRP) for Recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in Participating Banks- (CRP PO/MT-XI)

IBPS PO Recruitment 2021

IBPS PO Recruitment 2021 : The IBPS  application process for recruitment of Probationary Officers (PO)/management trainees by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) began on Wednesday , October 20. Candidates who want to apply for these posts can do so by visiting the official website of IBPS at ibps.in.

The online examination (Preliminary and Main) for the next Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in the Participating Banks is tentatively scheduled
in December 2021 / January 2022.

IBPS PO Update News : Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks listed at (A) as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CRPPO/MT-XI). The examination will be two tier i.e. the online examination will be held in two phases, Online Preliminary
and Online Main. Candidates who will qualify in Online Preliminary examination and shortlisted will have to appear for Online Main examination and shortlisted candidates in the Online Main examination will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Banks and co-ordinated by the Nodal Bank.

IBPS PO Application Important Dates 

Important EventsDates
Commencement of on-line registration of application20/10/2021
Closure of registration of application10/11/2021
Closure for editing application details10/11/2021
Last date for printing your application10/11/2021
Online Fee Payment20/10/2021 to 10/11/2021





Age limit: Candidate should be between 20 and 30 years of age. ( Born not before 02.10.1991 and not after 01.10.2001 (both dates inclusive).

Educational Qualifications (As on 10.11.2021):
A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognised by the Govt. Of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he / she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online.

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