IOCL Recruitment 2021, 469 Apprentice & Other Vacancies, Apply Online @
IOCL Apprentices Recruitment 2021 : Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), the largest commercial enterprise in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, proposes to engage Apprentices in Technical and Non-Technical trades at its locations under its 5 Regions viz Western Region Pipelines (WRPL), Northern Region Pipelines (NRPL), Eastern Region Pipelines (ERPL), Southern Region Pipelines (SRPL), South Eastern Region Pipelines (SERPL).
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals meeting the following qualification & other parameters for engagement of around 469 Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (as amended from time to time) in the trades as mentioned below:
Date of issuance of Website Notification 01.10.2021
Date of opening of online application portal at
Last date of submission of online application 25.10.2021 by 18:00 hours
Written Test Tentatively on 21.11.2021
Advertisement No. : PL/HR/ESTB/APPR-2021
Date of Notification : 01.10.2021
Start date of receipt of online application: 05.10.2021
Last date of receipt of online application : 25.10.2021
Date of reckoning eligibility criteria: 01.10.2021
1 Technician Apprentice Mechanical
Three years (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration/10+2) full time Diploma in any of the following disciplines of Engineering:
i) Mechanical Engineering
ii) Automobile Engineering
2 Technician Apprentice Electrical
Three years (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration/10+2) full time Diploma in any of the following disciplines of Engineering:
i) Electrical Engineering
ii) Electrical & Electronics Engineering
3 Technician Apprentice Telecommunication & Instrumentation Three years (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration/10+2) full time Diploma in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute:
i) Electronics & Communication Engineering
ii) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
iii) Electronics & Radio Communication Engineering
iv) Instrumentation & Control Engineering
v) Instrumentation & Process Control Engineering
vi) Electronics Engineering
4 Trade Apprentice (Assistant Human Resource )Full Time Bachelors degree (Graduation) from a Govt. recognized institute/ University.
5 Trade Apprentice (Accountant) Full Time Bachelors degree (Graduation) in Commerce from a Govt. recognized institute/University
6 Data Entry Operator(Fresher Apprentices) Minimum 12 th pass (but below graduate)
7 Domestic Data Entry Operator(Skill Certificate Holders) Minimum 12th pass (but below Graduate).
Additionally, candidates should possess Skill Certificate of ‘Domestic Data Entry Operator’ for training of less than one year issued by an awarding body recognised under National Skill Qualifications Framework or any other authority recognised by the
Central Govt
Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 01.10.2021 which is the date for reckoning any eligibility criteria.
• Technician Apprentice(Elec/Mech/T&I) : One Year
• Trade Apprentices (Assistant HR/Accountant): One Year
• Data Entry Operator and Domestic Data Entry Operator : 15 months
1) Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our IOCL website and apply Online from 05.10.2021 till 25.10.2021 by 18:00 hours.
2) Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.
3) There are two steps for Registration process. Part-I & Part-II. In Part-I registration, candidate has to fill his/her basic details like name, category etc. and has to create his own password. After successful
Part-I registration, system generated registration number is sent in his registered email id/SMS. With this registration number, candidate has again to login into the system with the password generated by him. Candidates are advised to remember registration number and password for future reference/use.
4) In Part-II registration, candidate has to upload his scanned photograph and signature and furnish educational qualification, experience details etc. and submit the same. This is the final submission process and after that candidate cannot change the details furnished. Candidates are therefore advised to furnish the details in the portal carefully and check the same before final submission.
5) Candidates are advised to follow the procedure mentioned in above apprentice engagement portal. In case of any difficulty with respect to filling online application or making online payment, please refer to FAQ/How to apply options available in the portal.