NATA Phase 2 Result 2021 Declared

National Aptitude Test In Architecture (NATA) Phase 2 Result Declared; Check here to Direct Link

Result of Second Test of NATA 2021 is available. Candidates may download their score cards.

NATA Phase 2 Result 2021

NATA Phase 2 Result 2021: The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) phase 2 result released . The Council of Architecture (COA) which conducts NATA has declared the result of the second test today, July 22 at the official website of the Council — NATA 2021 was held on July 11, in two shifts — the first from 10 am to 1 pm and the second between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm.

The Council of Architecture has been conducting National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) since the year 2006 for admission to First Year of 5-year B.Arch. Degree Course at architectural institutions throughout the country. For the year 2021, NATA was conducted as a computer based Test. The First Test was conducted by the Council on April 10, 2021.

The Second Test of NATA 2021 was successfully conducted by the Council on July 11, 2021 across 248 centres in India and 06 centres at international cities. Out of 25860 candidates who applied for the second test, 21657 candidates appeared for the examination.

The Council is pleased to release the result of Second Test of NATA 2021 Examination on today, July 22, 2021. The qualifying marks for NATA 2021 examination is 70 marks out of 200. Out of 21657 candidates appeared for the Exam 11583 candidates have qualified in the Second Test. In case a candidate has appeared for both Tests, the result would be declared taking into account best marks obtained by the candidate(s) in two attempts. The candidates
may download their results from NATA 2021 website

Further, in view of pandemic situation and containment zones in several parts of the country, it has been decided by the Competent Authority of the Council to conduct Third Test of NATA 2021 on September 3, 2021. As per NATA 2021 brochure, the candidate who have appeared in either of the two NATA Tests may register themselves for Third NATA Test, however, candidates who have appeared for both NATA Tests shall not be eligible to appear in the
same. The details of registration & other important dates for Third test along updated NATA2021 Brochure shall be available soon on the NATA website.

As per the Regulations of 2020, all candidates need to qualify an Aptitude Test conducted by the Council (i.e. NATA) for admission to B.Arch. course. Therefore, all candidates who have passed in any other aptitude test in Architecture conducted by other authorities shall also be required to qualify NATA in order to be eligible for admission to the B.Arch. course. Therefore, candidates who are desirous to take admission into 1st year of 5-year B.Arch. degree course are advised to register themselves for Third Test of NATA-2021 as a last opportunity to appear for NATA.


NATA Phase 2 Result 2021: Direct Link 

NATA Phase 2 Result Official Notification:  Click Here