NHFCD Handicapped Student 2500 Scholarships 2015-16
NHFCD Handicapped Student 2500 Scholarships 2015-16
Online Apply for Scholarships @ www.nhfdc.nic.in
NHFCD – National Handicapped Finance And Development Corporation (Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities) Invited Online application from Handicapped Student for provide them Scholarship for academic year 2015-2016. Under this scholarship total 2500 scholarship provided by the Handicapped Student. 30% scholarship goes to female students. Online application form available on official website of NHFCD – www.nhfdc.nic.in. More details are given below.
Student 2500 Scholarships 2015-16
Advertise published on Lokmat Newspaper edition Nagpur. There are complete information are given below. Student needs to read complete advertisement carefully before applying the scholarships 2015-2016.