DTE Direct Second Year Diploma Admission CAP Round 4
DTE Direct Second Year Diploma Admission CAP Round 4
DTE Maharashtra Direct 2nd year Admission for diploma engineering Polytechnic Admission 2016 – 2017 Status can be check online from this page. Candidates are requested to check their status in the DTE Admission from this page. We have given a direct links to check your status in the Admission process.
Schedule of DTE Diploma Admission Process
No. | Activity | First Date | Last Date |
1 | Online registration of application | 18/6/2016 | 29/6/2016 |
2 | Documents verification, updating and confirmation of Application Form for Admission in person at Facilitation Center(FC).J & K Migrant have to send their copies to “The Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, Vile Parle (West), Near Cooper Hospital, Mumbai-400056.” | 18/6/2016 | 30/6/2016 till 5.00 PM |
3 | Display of the provisional merit lists | Till 2/7/2016 | |
4 | Submission of grievance, if any, at FC | 02-07-2016 | 04-07-2016 till 5.00 pm |
5 | Display of the final merit lists on website | Till 5/7/2016 |
Direct Second Year Admission for Polytechnic Diploma Engineering 2016 – 2017 Admission Process is started. Candidates can Apply Online for the this Admission procedure from this page. Online Admission process is started from 18-06-2016, Where last date to Submit Application Forms is 27-06-2016. So Candidates will able to submit their Applications up to Given Last date.
MERIT LIST WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON, We Will Updates given links with Merit list Links soon.. Keep Visiting www.GetResults.in For More Details…
Merit list of Direct 2nd Year Diploma Admission 2016
The Merit list, Selection list of Candidates will be publish up to the 3 July 2016. Candidates can check their status in following given Merit List. As per the Selection list candidates can appear for the next rounds of admission 2016 – 2017.
Display of Category wise Seat Distribution (Seat Matrix) for CAP Round I
CAP Round 1 Seat Distribution of Direct 2nd Year Diploma Admission 2016 will be publish on the 1st July 2016. You can check your Status in admission rounds from this links given on this page.
Documents Required for Direct Second Year
Sr. No. |
Type of Candidate | Attested True Copies of Documents to be Attached |
All Candidates | Indian Nationality Certificate*, Std X /std XII/ITI/COE/MCVC Mark sheet/ Proforma Z, School leaving certificate. |
Type – B Candidates | Domicile certificate** of candidate or of father/mother of candidate indicating that he/she is domiciled in the State of Maharashtra ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1). |
Type – C Candidates | Certificate from the employer in the pro forma-A stating that father/mother of the candidate who is a Central Govt / Govt. of India undertaking employee is presently posted in Maharashtra. ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) |
Type – D Candidates | Certificate from the employer in the Proforma-B1 stating that father/mother of the Candidate who is a Maharashtra State Govt / Maharashtra State Government undertaking employee. ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) Proforma B-2 for whose Father or Mother is retired employee of the Government of Maharashtra or Government of Maharashtra Undertaking. |
Type – E Candidates | Certificate stating that Candidate belongs to the disputed border area in Proforma – G1. Certificate stating that the mother tongue of the Candidate is Marathi in Proforma – G2 |
Backward Class Candidates belonging to S.C./S.T. | Caste certificate ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) |
Backward Class Candidates belonging to VJ/ DT NT(A)/ NT(B)/ NT(C)/NT(D) /OBC/SBC Categories | Caste certificate Non creamy layer certificate valid up to 31st March 2017 ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) |
Minority Candidate | Certificate of Religion or leaving certificate showing candidate belongs to Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Shikh, Parsi and Jain community ( In addition to the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1) |
Admission Procedure for Direct Second Year of Three/Four Year Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology 2016 – 2017
Sr.No | Step-I:Sale of Application Kit along with Information Brochure : |
1 | Application Kit along with Information Brochure for the aspiring Candidates will be available at the Facilitation Center(FC) mentioned in the Notification, website against the payment of the application processing fees. |
2 | Price of the Information Brochure along with Application Kit is ![]() ![]() |
3 | It is mandatory for the Candidates to procure the Information Brochure along with Application Kit. |
4 | The Application Kit contains the Application ID and Password. |
5 | Candidates will receive Receipt of Payment of fees from FC titled as “Candidate’s copy”. Candidates are required to produce the receipt of the payment of fees at the time of confirmation of submission of CAP application form for admission at the FC and therefore the Candidates are instructed to carefully preserve the receipts of the payment for further use. |
6 | The information printed in the brochure will also be available on the website for browsing,downloading and printing. |
Sr.No | Step-II:Online Submission of Application Form : |
1 | Aspiring Candidates should read the admission rules & Information Brochure thoroughly. Aspiring Candidates are required to fill the “Online Application Form for Admission to Direct Second Year of Three/Four Year Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology through the web site www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in through Internet at home, cybercafe or at any of the FC’s as mentioned in notification. |
2 | Application sent by post/courier will not be accepted and such applications will be rejected without any communication. |
3 | The Candidate should note down the Application ID & password on the reverse side of the Mark sheet for further process. |
4 | The Candidate will be able to login to the Online Admission System by using Application ID and Password provided in the Application Kit. |
5 | After online submission of Application form, Candidate is required to take the printout of the same. The Candidate should check the information submitted and should correct the same, if required, himself/herself before confirmation at FC. |
6 | Candidate can check status of processing of his/her Application form, check position in the merit list, etc. |
7 | The Candidate should confirm only one form. If it is found that the Candidate has submitted and confirmed multiple forms to appear multiple times in the merit list and subsequently allotment, his/her Candidature shall be cancelled. The name of such Candidate will not appear in the merit list. |
Sr.No | Step-III:Document Verification and Confirmation of Submission of Online Application Form at FC |
1 | All the Candidates who have submitted Online Form are required to confirm the submission of application form at any convenient FCs. |
2 | The candidate has to produce duly signed copy of the Online Application Form along with the attested Xerox copies. The candidate should also carry the originals of these required supporting documents enlisted in the online form and the Receipt of Payment for confirmation at FC. |
3 | FC officer will do the Technical and Administrative scrutiny of the Application Form and required supporting documents. |
4 | FC Officer will verify whether the Candidate has correctly filled the Online Application form as well as the required original documents. |
5 | The candidate has to correct the information in Online Application form, if any, before confirmation by the FC Officer. |
6 | If the FC officer finds that the supporting documents are not enough to claim for a valid Candidature then the submitted application form will not be accepted for further processing. The Candidate shall be responsible for his/her particulars. |
7 | If FC officer finds any correction in the submitted application form then the Candidate has to correct it only through his/her login before confirmation by the FC Officer and then application forms will be confirmed by FC Officer. |
8 | FC officer shall confirm the “Online Application Form for Admission Direct Second Year of Three/Four Year Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology 2016 – 2017 and will take 2 printouts of the Receipt-cumacknowledgement. The Candidate and FC officer shall sign on both the copies of the Receipt-cum-acknowledgement and FC Officer shall issue one copy to the Candidate and other copy will be retained at FC for office use. |
Sr.No | Step-IV:Provisional Merit List, Grievences and Final Merit List Form at FC |
1 | The Provisional Merit List for Direct Second Year of Three/Four Year Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology Candidates shall be published separately on website. |
2 | The facility to view the Provisional Merit Lists shall also be available at FC. |
3 | If there are any grievences, the candidate has to submit the grievences in writing at the FC where candidate have confimred his/her Application Form. |
4 | The FC Officer shall communicate the corrections required, if any, through the Online System to the DTE. |
5 | The Final Merit Lists for Direct Second Year of Three/Four Year Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology Candidates shall be published on the website. |
6 | The grievence shall not be considered once the Final Merit List is published. |