PU CET (UG/BHMS) Exam Result 2016
PU CET (UG/BHMS) Exam Result 2016
Panjab University CET Exam 2016 examination online result is now available. The result is published on 14th June 2016, While the examination of CET(UG/BHMS) was held in April 2016. (UG/BHMS) is the 51/2 Years UG courses of Panjab University. Large number of Students appear for this Courses every year. It belongs to Education Faculty course. This Result of Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery Entrance Exam Courses now declare. You Can Check your Online result From following Result Section.
Result Details of PU CET(UG/BHMS) Exam 2016
This Year for April 2016 Examination of PU CET(UG/BHMS) Exam. Various Candidates were registered for the Examination. Student now check their CET (UG/BHMS) Entrance Exam Result on official website of Panjab University. The official Website is www.results.puchd.ac.in. How to check the result are given below with proper steps:
Marksheet , Result of PU CET(UG/BHMS) Exam Punjab University
All the students who have appeared for the examinations were waiting desperately for the result of The Panjab University from last few days. But Now the puchd.ac.in has published this result online, So now students feeling very relax. At the time of admission, the Panjab University had invited the application from all the aspirants who want to pursue degree courses in Science Category as a BHMS. The University has organized the examination successfully for various courses. A huge number of colleges and institutes are recognized from the Panjab University i.e. puchd.ac.in. The university has conducted the examinations all across the Panjab Region.
Mark sheets and Details Results will be available soon. Students will get their result Copy from their respective colleges. So as now result is available. It’s very clear for candidates to their further decision about studies. Successful Candidates will go ahead for the Next Studies, while some will prepare for Re attempting this examination. But we wish you will found great achievements in your Carrier. For More Updates and News keep visiting www.getResults.in where we publish results at fastest Speed.
How to check The PU CET(UG/BHMS) Exam Panjab University Results:
- We have given an Official Website Link and Result Section on this page, you can check your Result From both the places.
- Select the Result 2016 option Click on Punjab University Result 2016
- Try to find your Roll number in Given PDF File.
- Select the Combination from PCM, PCB, PCS, PCT, Mathematics.
- Click on the Show Result Button.
- Download the result
- Take a print for your future use.

About University (Full Name of University)
Panjab University is located in Sector 14 and Sector 25 of Chandigarh, spreading across an area of almost 550 acres.
The layout of two campuses of the University has been conceived to meet the academic, administrative, sports/recreational, residential and other requirements of a growing University. To make it self-contained, infrastructural facilities like its own Shopping Centre, Health Centre, Bank, Post office, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Sports Grounds, Botanical Gardens, well maintained parks, Open Air Theatre, Guest Houses, Faculty House, Seminar Complexes, Alumni House, Community Centre and a school, have been provided. Besides these facilities, the University Campus has 8 hostels for boys, 9 hostels for girls, a Working Women Hostel and 2 sports hostels.
A cluster of prominent buildings like the Gandhi Bhawan, the Fine Arts Museum, the University Library and the Student Centre form the hub of social interaction. The three-winged structure of the Gandhi Bhawan, considered the pride of the University, is its most artistic building. The Fine Arts Museum, with its series of small galleries arranged around a courtyard, each gallery having a hyperbolic paraboloid roof (umbrella shaped), is not only an architectural but a structural marvel as well. The University Library, another key building, in the Sector 14 Campus is an RCC framed structure with red sandstone veneers. The Student Centre, with its circular base and a ramp pulsating around its cylindrical body, is another landmark building.
Teaching Departments/Centres – The academic institutes on the campus and four Regional Centres are grouped under the Faculties of Arts, Science, Languages, Law, Education and Fine Arts, Business Management and Commerce, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Dairying, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture. Most of the departments have their own specialized libraries, and the working period runs for at least 180 days in a year.
The University School of Open Learning, a multi-disciplinary department, caters to more than 25000 distance learners and offers over 20 traditional and job oriented courses.
Prospectus of PU CET(UG/BHMS) 2016
The Prospectus of PU -CET (BHMS) Exam. are given below. Student click on below give .pdf file to download the Prospectus of Entrance Test. The Entrance Test. held on May 22 (Sunday) 2016 in Chandigarh for admission to the BHMS courses. The Name of Institution for this Course is Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Sector-26. Chandigarh.
Important dates PU CET(UG/BHMS) 2016
All important dates regarding Panjab University CET – UG/BHMS Course are available here, student can check all important information for this website (i.e. www.getresults.in). Student regular visit www.getresults.in for further details of CET Entrance Exam. 2016.
- Date of Availability of Prospectus and online Admission Form for Admission to B.Pharm., B.Sc. (Hons. School) on the website. March 18, 2016
- Last date for submission of information on the website to generate the Bank Challan May 10, 2016
- Last date for deposit of fee in any branch of State bank of India using website generated challan May 12, 2016 upto 4:00 p.m.
- Last date for uploading of photograph, signature with rest of the information on the website May 15, 2016
- No correction will be entertained/ made regarding photograph, signature and any other information (for completed forms only) after May 19, 2016 upto 5:00 p.m.
- Final date by which Roll No. will be available online Roll No. and Centre of Examination will be generated and Roll No. slip required to be downloaded from the website by the candidate using their own Login and Password (provided while generating Bank Challan). There will be no physical communication for this purpose. May 20, 2016
- Date of Holding Entrance Test June 01, 2016- (Revised)
- Tentative date during which the result may be declared by the University June 07, 2016 to June 10, 2016
- Centre for the Entrance Test Chandigarh Only