RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021 | Nagpur University B.Tech Direction | RTMNU B.Tech Direction|RTMNU New Direction of Syllabus 2021
Nagpur University New Direction of Syllabus 2021 is available for Downloading. The latest RTMNU Direction of B.Tech 2021 is published by Nagpur University. The students looking for this Direction can Download the PDF Direction from given respective Links. We keep adding More details about this Direction on this page. We given below the Details updated new Direction . Students of RTMNU are requested to go though the detail Direction. You can also download the PDF of Direction from given link. For More updates keep visiting us.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
The Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 (VI of 2017) has come into force from 1st March 2017;
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (hereinafter “the University”) is now being governed by The Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 (VI of 2017) (hereinafter the Act );
the Board of Studies in Applied Science and Humanities and Adhoc Committee in General Engineering, in the Faculty of Science and Technology, at their meetings held on 11/12/2020 and 14/1/2021, keeping the guidelines of All India Council of Technical Education ( AICTE) in mind have decided to make uniform guidelines to design new 160 credits curriculum for the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) programmes leading to the award of degrees of Bachelor of Engineering & Bachelor of Technology (Full time), in the Faculty of Science and Technology;
Hon‟ ble Vice–Chancellor in exercise of his powers under section 12(7) of the Act has on behalf of the Faculty of Science & Technology and also the Academic Council approved the structure of the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) programmes, having 160 credits and also the draft Direction in that regard, as required by the provisions of sections 35(d) and33 (s) and(t) of the Act;
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
introduction of new academic programme requires making of an Ordinance as per the provisions of section 73(1) of the Act however, since Ordinance making is a time consuming process and there is urgency in introducing the new 160 credit based Full Time Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology programmes in the faculty of Science and Technology from the academic session 2020-21 provisions of section 12 (8) of the Act is attracted warranting issuance of a Direction by the Vice Chancellor, as an interim measure;
Now, therefore, I, Dr. Subhash R. Chaudhari, Vice-Chancellor of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, in exercise of my powers under section 12(8) of the Act, do hereby issue the following Directions:-
2. This Direction shall come in to force from the date of its issuance.
3. This Direction shall be applicable from the academic session 2020- 21 for first year of the program and progressively Onwards.
4. In this Direction unless the context requires otherwise:-
a. “ATKT” means “Allowed to Keep Term” in the higher semester, as per the rules herein.
b. “Board of Studies” means the Board of Studies in Applied Science and Humanities and General Engineering, in the Faculty of Science and Technology.
c. “Course” means a theory, practical (or the combination of theory and practical) subject, and research project, prescribed for any semester and carrying maximum and minimum passing marks, which a student, admitted to the programme of the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) governedby this Direction has to study in order to become eligible for the award of the Degree under this Direction.
d. “Credit” means the unit by which the course work is measured. It is measured in terms of weekly class hours assigned to a Course.
e. “Credit Point” (CP) is the value obtained by multiplying the Grade Point by the Credit i.e. No. of Credits assigned for the course x Grade Points secured for that course.
f. “Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)” CGPA refers to the Cumulative Grade Point Average weighted acros all the semesters. It is obtained by dividing total number of credit points in all the semesters by the total number of credits in all the semesters.%0
g. “Degree” means the Degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) and the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) (Full Time) (Semester Pattern) (Credit Based System).
h. “Grade Letter” is an index to indicate the performance of a student in a particular course/ Paper. It is the transformation of actual marks secured by a student in a course/paper. It is indicated by a Grade letter O,A,B,C,D,E and F. There is a range of marks for each Grade.
i. “Grade Point” is weight allotted to each grade letter depending on the marks awarded in a course/paper.
j. “Programme” means and includes both the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) and the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) (Full Time) (Semester Pattern) (Credit Based System) programmes under this Direction (for short the 160 credit programmes).
k. “Student” means a student admitted to the programme under this Direction.
l. “Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)”SGPA indicates the performance of a student in a given semester. It is based on the total credit points earned by the student in all the courses and the total number of credits assigned to the courses/papers in a Semester.
m. “University” means Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
5. Admission and eligibility to the Programmes:
(a)Subject to the compliance with the provisions of this Direction and other Ordinances/Directions, in force from time to time, an applicant for admission to Semester-I of the programme shall have passed 12th (Science) examination with subjects specified in Director of Technical Education (Maharashtra)‟ s circulars issued from time to time
(b)The students having Diploma in Technical Education and also the students who are B.Sc. graduates are eligible for the lateral entry in the second year of the programmes.
(c)The minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination shall be as per the applicable governing rules Framed by Government of Maharashtra from time to time.
(d)The students having Diploma of Board of Technical Education and taking lateral admission to direct B.E./B.Tech at second year level are not required to appear for any subjects of the first year of B.E./B.Tech of new 160 credit pattern. Their SGPA and CGPA will be considered from second year.
(e)The students with B.Sc. degree taking admission to second year level shall have to appear, additionally, for theory and practical (if applicable) examination of Engineering Graphics-I, Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Basics of Electrical Engineering, Computational Skill and Engineering Mechanics of First year in new 160 credit pattern.
6. Duration of the Programmes:
i. The B.E. programme shall consist of 4 Years (Eight Semesters)
ii. The B.Tech. programme(in Chemical Technology , Chemical
Engineering and Biotechnology only) shall consist of 4 Years (Eight
7. Medium of Instructions: The medium of instructions and examinations shall be English.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
8. Structure of the Programmes:
I. The detail structure of the B.E. and B.Tech programmes shall be as given in Annexures A-1 to D-3.
II. The B.E. /B.Tech programme shall also be of two more types i.e.
B.E./B.Tech with Minor /Honor and Major/Honor
A) B.E./B.Tech Degree with a Minor/Honor
a) A student who fulfills the requirements of the B.E./B.Tech. program of the discipline in which he/she was admitted, will be awarded with B.E./B.Tech. degree in that discipline. The flexibility is offered for students to successfully complete additional 18 to 20 credits by passing the courses through online mode from the specified
platforms. Such students shall be awarded B.E./B.Tech Degree with Minor/Hono
b) If a student is unable to earn additional 18 to 20 credits along with all the prescribed credits of the program in which he/she is admitted within the stipulated allowed duration of the original program he/she will not be awarded Minor/Honor degree.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
c) B.E./B.Tech. with Minor :
Minor scheme aims for additional knowledge in any other branch for enhancement of employability. During the span of Four years (Three Years in case of lateral entry) on completion of 18 to 20 additional credits in another discipline, the B.E./B.Tech. degree with “Minor Specialization in ———–” (concrned discipline/subject) will be awarded to the student on completion of final semester.
B) B.E./B.Tech. with Major/Honor :
a) Honor‟ s scheme aims at growth of vertical knowledge of the student in his/her parent branch which may have advance knowledge or research orientation. During the span of four years (Three Years in case of lateral entry) on completion of 18 to 20 additional credits, through online mode, in the same discipline, the B.E./B.Tech. degree with “Major in…………”( concerned Discipline) or Honor ” will be awarded to the student on completion of Final
b) A student having a CGPA of more than or equal to 7 and no backlog subjects, in any semester, during the span of his/her degree programme will be eligible to get Degree with “Honor”, otherwise the student will be eligible to get Degree with “Major” specialization in the discipline, under this category.
9. Curriculum of the Programmes:-
The detail content of the courses prescribed for each semester of the
B.E. and B.Tech. programmes shall be as determined by the relevant
Board of Studies and notified by the University from time to time.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
10. Scheme of Examinations: –
i) Subject to the provisions of the general rules of the University with respect to conduct of examinations and in particular the rules regarding payment of examination fees, award of grace marks, and the maximum and
minimum passing marks and eligibility for getting exemption in any passing heads, as shown in the relevant Annexures herein, there shall be end semester examination to be conducted by the University as per the scheme
and modalities to be notified from time to time.
ii) An examinee who does not pass or who fails to present himself/herself for the examination(s) shall be eligible for reappearing in the same examination on payment of a fresh fee and such other fees as may be prescribed from time to time. However, re-admission to the semester would be allowed only when a regular session is running for a particular semester.
1. Annexure A-1 :B.E 1st Semester Scheme of Examination
2. Annexure A-2 :B.E 2nd Semester Scheme of Examination
3. Annexure A-3 :B.E 1st& 2nd Semester Absorption Scheme
4. Annexure A-4 :B.E (Fire Engineering) 1st& 2nd Semester Scheme of Examination
5. Annexure B-1 :B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) 1st Semester Scheme of Examination
6. Annexure B-2 :B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) 2nd Semester Scheme of Examination
7. Annexure B-3 :B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) 1 st& 2nd Semester Absorption Scheme
8. Annexure C-1 :B.Tech (Chemical Technology) 1st Semester Scheme of Examination
9. Annexure C-2 :B.Tech (Chemical Technology) 2nd Semester Scheme of Examination
10. Annexure C-3 :B.Tech (Chemical Technology) 1st& 2nd Semester Absorption Scheme
11. Annexure D-1 :B.Tech (Biotechnology) 1st Semester Scheme of Examination
12. Annexure D-2 :B.Tech (Biotechnology) 2nd Semester Scheme of Examination
13. Annexure D-3 :B.Tech ( Biotechnology) 1st& 2nd Semester Absorption Scheme
11. Calculation of SGPA and CGPA
Degree will be based on SGPA and CGPA calculations since First Semester (Third semester in case of lateral entry students)
a) SGPA and CGPA will be calculated on the basis of the grades as detailed below
i) Conversion of Marks to Grades using Absolute Grading system.
For each course taken, the student will be assigned with a grade based on the combined performance in all the assessments.
Table -1 shows the various grades awarded to students with mark range as indicated.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
Table-1: Award of Grades for Theory Courses
(a) Course/Subject carrying maximum 100 marks
Marks Range) Grade
X ≥ 91 AA
91 >X ≥ 85 AB
85 >X ≥ 76 BB
76 >X ≥ 66 BC
66 >X ≥ 56 CC
56 >X ≥ 45 CD
X<45 FF
Absent ZZ
X = Marks obtained out of 100
(b): Course/Subject carrying maximum 50 marks
Marks Range(for Max 50 marks) Grade
X ≥ 46 AA
46 >X ≥ 42 AB
42 >X ≥ 38 BB
38 >X ≥ 33 BC
33>X ≥28 CC
28>X ≥ 23 CD
X<23 FF
Absent ZZ
X = Marks obtained out of 50
(c): Award of Grades for Practical Courses
Marks Range (for Max 50 marks) Grade
X ≥ 46 AA
46>X ≥ 42 AB
42>X ≥ 38 BB
38 >X ≥ 34 BC
34>X ≥30 CC
30>X ≥ 25 CD
X<25 FF
Absent ZZ
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
X = Marks obtained out of 50
Audit Course does not carry any credit, hence, will not be considered in the SGPA/CGPA calculation. But the grade card will reflect “Audit course” and will be awarded with grade as in Table-1(a or b or c). However, the student will have to pass the course with minimum required attendance and evaluation result to clear the semester.
ii) Obtaining Grade Point
The academic performance of a student will be graded on Ten point scale.
The qualitative assessment of student’s performance will be indicated by these grades.
Each grade is associated with a grade point as listed in Table-2.
Table-2: Grades and Equivalent Grade Points
Grade Grade Point
AA 10.00
AB 9.00
BB 8.00
BC 7.00
CC 6.00
CD 5.00
FF 0
ZZ 0
iii) Calculating SGPA and CGPA
The grades upto „CD‟ awarded to student in all the courses shall be converted into a Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
∑ Ci∗Pi
WhereSm=SGPA of „mth
semester; Ci = Credit of „ith’ Course
Pi- Grade point earned of ith course
CGPA=∑ Cj∗Pj
Where, Pj= Grade points earned in the jth course;
Cj = Credit of jth course up to semester for which CGPA is to be
J= 1,2, … m represents the number of courses in which a student is registered up to the semester for which CGPA is to be calculated.
iv) Incentive credits to the students participating in NCC/NSS/ Games & Sports/Cultural Activities/Curricular and Co-curricular Activities will be awarded as per the University prevailing ordinance‟
12. Class/Division
The class/division in academic performance of the student for the
complete duration of program to be classified as follows:
First Class with distinction: CGPA 7.5 and above,
First Class: CGPA 6.0 and above, but less than 7.5, and
Second Class: CGPA less than 6.0
As per requirements, the conversion of the performance index CGPA
into equivalent percentage of marks, the formula shall be used isPercent marks = (CGPA)*10.
13. Award of Merit Ranks
The students admitted to the programmes governed by this Direction on successful completion of the programme shall be eligible to be awarded a merit rank as per the general rules of the University in this regard.
14. Exit Policy for Failure/Dropout Students:
i). Student who wish to exit before the completion of the program duration, may be issued Certificate/ Diploma/ Advance Diploma as per their acquired levels of learning with additional skill as mentioned below.
15 A.T.K.T Rules
I.) For calculation of passing heads, any decimal fraction should be rounded off to lower digit.
ii) Passing the semester shall include all the credit and audit subject heads.
iii) For getting promotion in the higher class (under ATKT) a student must obtain minimum 40% credits prescribed for a particular year, comprising two semesters.
RTMNU B.Tech Direction 2021
i. After introduction of the 160 credit programmes under this Direction existing B.E. and B.Tech. programmes shall be discontinued in a phase-wise (progressive) manner and the failure students of the said programmes shall be provided maximum five attempts to clear all the courses/subject(s) of the said programmes after which they shall be
absorbed in the 160 credit programmes under this Direction as per the absorption scheme hereunder.
ii. The students of the existing programmes shall also be entitled to join the 160 credit programmes as per the absorption schemes provided by relevant Board of Studies. However, student will have to appear for the examinations under new 160 Credit Scheme for the matchable subjects in which student has not cleared the subject in the existing
iii.a) A student having passed in particular course/subject heads of the existing programme at any semester level shall be exempted from such subject heads at any level (lower/higher) of the new 160 Credit programme. If any course/subject is named with a new nomenclature but is having similar contents it shall also be exempted. The
respective Board of Studies shall prepare and notify the list of such subjects. Wherever a student is absorbed in the new 160 credit course with benefit of exemption in courses/subjects, in any semester, proportionate marks/grades shall be awarded in the concerned course/subject heads.
b)Wherever a new course/subject has been introduced in the new 160 Credit programme in any semester which was not to be found in the existing programmes the internal marks shall be awarded in proportion to the marks/grades earned by a student in the university/external examination in the concerned new course/subject head.
c) Student being absorbed in new 160 Credit Pattern shall be exempted from the subject/s which he/she has cleared in the existing semester pattern as per the absorption scheme provided by the concern B.O.S. However the subject/s which he/she has not cleared in the old semester pattern and having no equivalent subject at any level of new 160 Credit Pattern shall not be considered during the absorption irrespective of the status of the result of that subject.
17. If any difficulty in implementation of the scheme of this Direction is encountered or any doubt regarding interpretation of any provision of this Direction arises the matter shall be referred for decision of the Vice Chancellor whose decision shall be final and binding on all the concerned people.