SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021|Amravati University B.Tech Syllabus Part 1| SGBAU First Year B.Tech Syllabus
Amravati University New Syllabus 2021 is available for Downloading. The latest SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021 is published by Amravati University. The students looking for this syllabus can Download the PDF Syllabus from given respective Links. We keep adding More details about this Syllabus on this page. We given below the Details updated new syllabus. Students of SGBAU are requested to go though the detail syllabus. You can also download the PDF of syllabus from given link. For More updates keep visiting us.
SGB Amravati University Revised B.Tech Chemical Technology Sem 2 Syllabus 2021 -SGB Amravati University B.Tech Chemical Technology Second Semester New Revised Syllabus is given below for Downloading. The students can Download the respective Syllabus from following given details. Just go through the given links & read the given syllabus carefully. Amravati University First Year New Semester Online Detail syllabus given below.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Basic principle of wave mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation,application of Schrodinger wave equation , linear harmonic oscillator, Activity and activity coefficient, Gibbs Duhem equation.
Kinetic molecular theory of gases: Equation os state of ideal and real gases, Distribution of molecular speeds in an ideal gas, Molecular collisions and mean free path, Vander Waals equation, Principle of corresponding states.
Estimation of molecular diameter , molecular velocities, Root means square velocity (RMS) , average velocity and most probable velocity ,collision number, collision frequency, critical constants, diffusion, heat conduction in gases numericals.
Chemical Kinetics: Scope of kinetics, elementary reaction steps and rate expression , complex reactions and their molecularity and order determination, factors affecting reaction rate, integrate rate expression of zero, first, second and third order reaction with examples, numericals.
Methods for determination of order of reaction: Integration methods, graphical method, isolation method, Von’t-Hoff method and fractional change method, half life period, energy of activation, Arrhenius equation,
Thermodynamics: Objective and scope of thermodynamics, definition of thermodynamics system, state, property, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, processes, enthalpy, free energy, Gibbs Helmholtz equation.
Text Book :
Text Book of Physical Chemistry : P.L.Sony, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Reference Books :
1. Physical Chemistry : G.M.Barrow . Benjamin Publication.
2. Thermodynamic for Chemist: Glasstone, S. Affiliated, East Press , New Delhi.
3. Advance Physical Chemistry: Gurudeep Raj, GEOL, Publication, Meerut.
4. Physical Chemistry, P.W.Atkins, Oxford University. Press 8th Ed.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
List of Experiments :
1. To determine the Surface tension of given sample by stalagmometer method.
2. To determine the viscosity of a given liquid by Ostwald viscometer.
3. To study the partition coefficient of iodine between organic solvent and water.
4. To study the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in presence of sodium hydroxide.
5. To study the hydrolysis of an ester in presence of hydrochloric acid
6. To investigate the autocatalytic reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid.
7. To determine energy of activation of the reaction between potassium persulpahte and potassium iodide.
8. To determine the refractive index of given liquids by Abbe’s refractometer.
9. Determine the specific and molar refraction of a given liquid by Abbe’s refractometer.
10. Kinetic study of Second order reaction of equal concentration.
11. To Determination heat of neutralization HCl by NaOH.
12. To Determination the integral heat of solution of KNO3.
13. Determine the solubility of benzoic acid in water at different temperature and hence its heat of solution.
14. To study the effect of addition of an electrolyte on the solubility of monobasic organic acid at room temperature.
(NOTE: Minimum EIGHT laboratory experiments shall be conducted)
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Course Objectives:
1] To introduce students with different terminologies in electrical engineering and different theorems.
2] To understand magnetic circuits.
3] To study A.C. fundamentals.
4] Study of polyphase circuits.
5] To acquire the knowledge about electrical machines and transformer
6] To study different measuring instruments and electrical apparatus and safety (earthing).
Course Outcomes:
A student completing this course should able to do the following:3C/strong>
1] Explain the basic concepts of electric and magnetic circuits.
2] The students will be able to sove problems on AC fundamentals & three phase circuits
3] Explain the operating principles of various electrical machines and describe the working of various measuring
instruments and importance of earthing.
Unit I:
Basic concepts of Voltage, Current, Power, Energy and relationship between them Resistance, Resistivity, Conductivity, Temperature effect on resistance and temperature coefficient of resistance. Series and parallel circuits,
Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s laws, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Star-Delta transformation
Unit II:
Magnetic Circuit & Electromagnetism :Basic concept of Magnetic flux, Flux density, MMF, Reluctance, Magnetic field intensity and their relationship, Series and Parallel Magnetic circuits, Principles of Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual inductance, Leakage and fringing of flux, coefficient of coupling and Magnetization curves.
Unit III:
A.C. Fundamentals, RMS, Average values, form factor, peak factor for Sinusoidal Wave form only, Single phase A.C. Series circuit with Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance, phasor Diagram. Single phase A.C. Parallel circuit with Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance, phasor Diagrams. Impedance Triangle, Active and Reactive power.
Unit IV:
Polyphase Circuits, Balanced Three phase circuits, Production of three phase emf, Star and Delta connections. Relationship of Phase and line values of voltage and current for Star and Delta circuits, Star and Delta balanced load.
Unit V:
Electrical machines A) Single Phase Transformer, Construction and working (no load & on load), EMF Equation, Losses, Efficiency, Regulation and phasor diagram.
B) Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Working principle, Construction of D.C. Motors, types of dc motor,
characteristics and applications of D.C. Motors
Unit VI:
Electrical Apparatus and safety, Measurement of Current, Voltage, Power, Energy, Construction and working
of PMMC, MI, Electro-dynamometer & Induction type Measuring Instruments. Necessity of earthing and types of
earthing (Plate earthing & Pipe earthing)
Text Books / Reference Books: – .
1. Basic Electrical Engineering , First Ed., Kulshreshtha D.C., TMH
2. D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, TMH Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi , 4th Edition
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, V. N. Mittle, TMH Publishing company Ltd
4. Basic Electrical Engineering, Fifth Edition, Fidzgerald A.E., TMH -2006.
5. Basic Electrical Engineering, First ed., R. Anand Natarajan & P. Ramesh
6. Principle of Electrical Engineering , 4th Edition, Del Toro V., PHI 2005
7. Basic Electrical Engineering –First ed., T. K. Nagsarkar, OXFORD University Press, 2005
8. Electrical Technology – Volume – I, B. L. Theraja, S. Chand & Co. Publication.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
List of experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering:
(Minimum (8) eight experiments based on above syllabus]
1. To verify KCL and KVL .
2. To verify Superposition theorem.
3. To verify Thevenin’s theorem
4. To verify the effect of temperature on conductor and temperature coefficient of resistance.
5. To analyze series RLC circuit
6. To analyze Star connected resistive circuit
7. To analyze Delta connected resistive circuit
8. To perform load test on a single phase transformer
9. To study D.C. Motors
10. To study measuring instruments
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Course Objectives :
Students will be taught –
1. Concepts related to Forces and its effects, resolution and composition of coplanar forces.
2. Application of principles of statics to the system of rigid bodies.
3. Analysis of simple structures like trusses and beams.
4. Concepts related to friction, its application.
5. Concepts related to centroid, moment of inertia, radius of gyration and product of inertia and its application.
6. Concepts related to kinematic and kinetic equations, and its applications to various types of motion.
7. Concepts related to conservation of momentum and laws of impacts.
Course Outcomes :
At the end of course students will be able to –
1. Compose and resolve the forces along with its effect.
2. Apply principles of statics to the system of rigid bodies and analyse simple structures.
3. Calculate frictional forces for simple contact, wedges and belt friction.
4. Locate centroid and calculate moment of inertia.
5. Calculate various kinematic quantities.
6. Solve the problems using different kinetic equations related to direct and interconnected particles.
7. Apply principle of conservation of momentum and laws of impact.
Concept of a force, force systems, moment of a force about a point, couple, resolution and compositions of
coplanar forcesystem.
Euilibrium:Free-body diagrams, equations of equilibrium, problems ofequilibrium involving co-planar force system acting on a particle,rigid body and system of rigid bodies.
Trusses: Definitions, assumptions, types, Analysis of simple plane perfect trusses by method of joints and method of section.
Friction: Definitions of friction, types, angle of friction, angle of repose, cone of friction, Coulomb’s laws of friction.
Applications to simple contact friction, wedges and belt friction.
Centroid, First Moment of Area, Problem on Centroid of composite sections, Second Moment of Area,
Radius of Gyration,product of inertia, perpendicular and parallel axis theorem, polar moment of inertia, radius of
gyration, Definition of principal axes and principal moment of inertia. (07)
Definitions of displacement, velocity and acceleration and their relations, rectilinear motion under variable & constant accelerations, curvilinear motion using rectangular coordinates, normal and tangential components( involves Problems on calculation of total acceleration, radius of curvature and projectile motion). (06)
Kinetics of rectilinear, curvilinearand rotatory motion of a particle actedupon by a force system, Application of
D’Alembert’sprinciple, concept of dynamic equilibrium, rectilinear motion ofseveral interconnected particles, and
rotation of rigid body about a fixed axis. (07)
Application of work-energy equation and impulse-momentum equation, law of conservation of momentum for
aparticle and a system of particles in a rectilinear translation,direct central impact, collisionof two particles, coefficient of restitution.
Text Books :
1) Bhattacharyya Basudeb, Engineering Mechanics, Oxford University Press.
2) Bhavikatti, S. S. and Rajashekarappa, K. G., Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Publishers, New
Reference Books :
1) Singer, F. L., Engineering Mechanics, Harper Collins Pub., Singapore
2) Timoshenko, S. P. and Young, D. H., Engineering Mechanics, McGraw-Hill International C.,Auckland.
3) Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R., Vector Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill International C., Auckland.
4) Shames, I. H., Engineering Mechanics, P.H.I. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Course Objectives :
Students will be taught –
1. Performance of practicals based on concepts related to engineering mechanics.
2. Working of Lifting Machines
Course Outcomes :
Students will be able to –
1. Prove the concepts related to engineering mechanics.
2. Calculate lifting machine parameters.
3. Perform graphical analysis of force systems and simple structures.
Practicals :
(Two compulsory graphical solutions to the problems of statics)
1. Law of Polygon of forces
2. Reactions at the supports of simple beam.
3. Forces in members of Jib crane.
4. Determination of coefficient of friction on inclined plane.
5. Determination of Coefficient of coil friction.
6. Determination of law of machine for screw jack/differential axle wheel /single and double purchase crab(for any two machines).
7. Determination of mass moment of inertia of fly wheel
8. Determination of gravitational acceleration by compound pendulum.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Course Objectives:
1) To acquire and apply engineering graphics knowledge for communicating ideas, information and instructions,
as well as to understand the conventions of engineering drawing
2) To understand the representations of 3D objects, their projections and sectional views
3) To understand the representations of orthographic and isometric views of 3D objects
4) To introduce students with the drafting commands of commercial graphics software.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain following Course Outcomes:
1) Students will able to read/prepare/understand the engineering drawings
2) Students will able to create the projections and sectional views of 3D objects
3) Students will able to draw the orthographic and isometric views of 3D objects
4) Students will able to use graphics software to create Engineering drawings and represent engineering systems
Unit 1: Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Projection :
Use of various drawing instruments, concept of dimensioning and scales, geometric construction, projection of point,
line and plane, projection on auxiliary plane.
Unit 2: Projection of Solids :
Projection of solids for prism, pyramid, cone and cylinder.
Unit 3: Section of Solids :
Section of solids for prism, pyramid, cone and cylinder.
Unit : Orthographic Projection :
Conversion of pictorial view of objects to orthographic projections by using first and third angle projection methods
Unit 5: Isometric Views and Projections :
Construction of isometric views and projection of given two dimensional views
Unit : Introduction to CAD Software :
Drafting environment and drafting screen, coordinate systems, drafting and dimensioning commands, editing
commands, drafting of basic geometrical shapes, display commands, CAD software customization.
List of Books Recommended :
Text Books:
1. Bhatt N. D. & Panchal V. M. Engineering Drawing, 49th Edn., Charotar Pub. House, Anand, Gujrat, 2007.
2. Shah P. J. – Engineering Drawing, S. Chand Publication, 2008.
3. Dhawan R. K. – Engineering Drawing, S. Chand Publication, (5th edition, 2008).
4. Tickoo Sham – AutoCAD, BPB Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Naraynan K. L., Kannaiah P. – Engineering Drawing, Scitech.
2. Jolhe D. A. – Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2008.
List of Practicals :
Every student will submit a set of at least SIX drawing sheets (from 1 to 7 listed below) and perform at least TWO
practical (from 8 to 10 listed below) using CAD software. Examination will consist of viva-voce based on the syllabus.
1. Loci of points of various mechanisms
2. Projection of straight line
3. Projection of plane
4. Orthographic projection
5. Projection of solids
6. Isometric projection/view
7. Free hand sketches of simple machine elements, like :
(a) Screw threads ISI profile
(b) Types of nuts, bolts, studs, set screws, washers, locking arrangement of nuts & bolts
(c) Foundation bolts – Rag, eye, lewis types
8. Drafting of basic 2D geometrical shapes using CAD software
9. Drafting of basic 3D geometrical shapes using CAD software
10. Drafting of 2D and 3D objects using surface modeling commands.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Course Objectives :
• To give students ‘hands on experience’ of craftsmanship.
• To make students familiar with different work trades.
• To develop quality & safety consciousness amongst the students.
• To develop awareness of fire safety amongst the students.
• To develop respect towards labor work amongst the students.
•. To develop skill sets for creating entities from primitive engineering materials
• To develop skill sets for establish in connections through wires and cables.
• This exercise also aims at inculcating respect for physical work and hard labor in addition to some value addition by
getting exposed to interdisciplinary engineering domains.
Course Outcomes :
· Upon completion of this course, the students will gain knowledge of different manufacturing processes which are commonly employed in industry.
· Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to fabricate the components using various manufacturing techniques.
· The students will be conversant with the concept of dimensional accuracy and tolerances.
Performance :
Students should perform minimum six jobs out of following :
Introduction to smithy operations like upsetting, drawing ,bending, Forming; Tools- hammer, hot and
cold chisels, swages ,drifts, flatters, tongs, anvils and various smithy tools & equipments ,their use. Forging Principle,
forge welding, use of forged parts.
One job on smithy: Job involving upsetting, drawing down, flattering. Change of cross sectional area like round to rectangular or making a ring from a round bar, S – Hook, forming such as a square hexagonal headed bolt, hook etc.
Introduction to different fitting tools. Use and setting of fitting tools for marking, center punching, chipping, cutting, filing, drilling, their use, different measuring tools, Files – Material and Classification.
One job on fitting: involving operations like marking, filing, hacksaw cutting, drilling and tapping, making simple assemblies like a male-female type pair
introduction to Taps & Dies, Different sizes of Taps & Dies their uses, holding instruments of taps& dies.
One job on taps & dies: Job involving, External and internal threads on plate or pipe, marking, center punching, cutting, filing, drilling
Introduction to sheet metal tools, their use, different sheet metal joints, soldering, surface development. Specifications of metal sheets, Surface coatings; Operations like cutting, bending, folding, punching, riveting ; Joining by brazing and soldering.
One job on sheet metal: Job involving soldering operation like marking ,cutting, bending, joining operations of small sheet metal parts. Typical examples: sheet metal tray, funnel, dustbin, etc.
Classification & brief introduction to welding processes- Arc, Gas and Resistance. Definition of welding, brazing and soldering processes, and their applications. Oxy-Acetylene Gas welding process, Equipment and Techniques, Type of flames and their applications. Manual metal arc welding technique and equipment, AC and DC welding Electrodes, constituents and functions of Electrode coating. Welding positions. Type of welding joint. Common welding defects such as cracks, undercutting, slag inclusions, Porosity
One job on welding: Job consisting of edge preparation for arc welding of different parts like lap welding of two plates, butt welding of two plates and welding to join plates at right angles.
Brief study of various hand tools like chisel, saw ,planer. Timber, definition, engineering applications, seasoning and preservation, plywood and ply boards. Use of marking tools & hand tools such as marking gauge, try squares, steel rules, saws, jackplane, etc. Use of power tools, safety precautions.
One job on carpentry: Job like preparing a wooden joint; involving operations like wood sizing, planning, marking, sawing, chiseling and groove making. Use and setting of hand tools like hack saw, jack plane, chisels and gauges for construction of various joints like T – Lap joint, Bridle joint ,Corner mortise joint, Dovetail / butt joint such as a tray,
frame etc.
Introduction to different machining tools, different measuring tools.
One job on Lathe: Job involving marking, metal removing showing basic operations like plain turning, facing, step turning etc.
Molding sand , preparation of molding sand, pattern, core, runner ,riser cope & drag box.
One job on molding : Preparation of sand mould with pattern, core with runner riser
PCB etching and drilling, tinning and soldering techniques. Assembly of Electronic components on the printed circuit board (PCB).
One job of PCB design: Job involving development of PCB for electronic circit which comprises of layout design ,
masking, etching , drilling, tinning & component soldering.
) PLASTIC INECTION MOULDING: Introduction, principle, equipment & its operation, mould introduction &
setting, Safety precautions and demonstration of plastic injection molding process (Demonstration)
1. B. S. Raghuvanshi, A Course in Workshop Technology, Vol – I,Dhanapat Rai and Sons.
2. Hajara Choudhari, Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol – I, Media Promoters.
3. Gupta and Kaushik, Workshop Technology, Vol – I, New Heights.
4. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol – I, The English Language Book Society.
5. H.S.Bawa, Workshop Technology, Vol.-I, TMH Publications, NewDelhi.
6. S.K.Hajra Choudhary ,Elements Of Workshop Technology ,Media Promoters &Publishers Pvt.Ltd,
7. Workshop Technology, Vol I, II and III, Chandola S.P., Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. K.T. Kulkarni, Introduction to Industrial Safety ,K.T .Kulkarni ,Pune Reference Books
9. Hwaiyu Geng, Manufacturing Engineering Handbook ,McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.
10. Lawrence E.Doyle, Manufacturing Processes and Materials for Engineers ,Prentice Hall Inc.
NOTE : Journal should be prepared and submitted based on information of tools and equipments used, jobs prepared by using various tools, equipments, machines in the above trades of performance sections. The term work shall be assessed based on a) the record of attendance, b) Term work done, c) the written/ practical / oral tests on the term work to decide the depth of understanding. The term work is to be assessed weekly.
Practical Examination:
Practical examination will consists of actual preparation of one job from any of the above performance sections.
Duration of examination will be 3 hrs. Total marks are 25, out of which 15 marks are for job preparation and 10 marks for viva voce which should be conducted when the students are on job.
SGBAU Revised B.Tech Sem 2 Syllabus 2021
Teaching Scheme: Practical: 4Hrs. / week
Examination Scheme : Internal Test :25 marks External Practical examination : 25 marks
Course Outcomes:
· The learning outcome of students will be assessed through assignments, tests and final exams and most importantly
through practical performances.
· Through these tests, it would be revealed that students are able to reproduce their understanding of
concepts/principles of communication in English language.
· Students can present themselves well in front of large audience on a variety of topics. Moreover they get the knack for
structured conversation to make their point of views clear to the listeners.
Practicals :
Exercise 1: Types of communication, barriers to communication, effective communication
Exercise 2: Foundation of language: grammaticality and acceptability, word power, accuracy and appropriateness.
Exercise 3: Assignment on vocabulary building & Writing skill :nature of writing, stages of writing (pre, while and
post), qualities of effective writing, what makes writing poor, the what, howand why of writing, drafting, summarizing, letter writing, writing reports.
Exercise : Speaking: pronunciation, stress, intonation and pauses, formal and informal expressions, conversation
skills, presentation skills, business etiquette.
Exercise 5: Group Discussion- To study about group discussion technique.
Exercise 6: Interview skill- To study about personal interview.
Exercise 7: Planning and Mot- To study how to plan and execute an activity in a group.
Exercise 8: Seminar skill- To study how to conduct and deliver a seminar.
Exercise 9: Conference – To study how to conduct conference.
Exercise 10: Interpersonal communication- Conduct an activity for social cause.
Exercise 11: Project- Writing class newsletter.
Reference Books:
1. S. Mishra & C. Muralikrishna, “Communication Skills for Engineers”, Pearson Education.
2. T.M. Farhathullah , “Communication Skills for Technical Students”, Orient Longman.
3. Saran Freeman, “Written Communication in English”, Orient Longman.
4. Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar (Elementary & Intermediate)”, CUP.
5. Shirley Tailor, “Communication for Business: A Practical Approach”, Longman Developing .
6. Krishna Mohan &MeeraBanerji, “ Communication Skills”, Macmillan.
7. R. C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, Tata McGraw Hill.