BEd Admission 2021 – Admission Schedule Academic Year 2020-2021
BEd Admission 2021
STATE-CETCLL/B.Ed. CAP 2020/Tentative Schedule/. Date: 10/12/2020.
B.Ed. General and Special Education Centralized Admission Schedule
Academic Year 2020-2021

Important Notes and Instructions For BEd Admission 2021 to Candidates and Colleges/Institutes: –
1. The Time Table is Tentative and Competent Authority reserves the rights to make changes in it as per the need. It is the duty of the Candidates and Colleges to verify the Latest Time Table On-Line, in their own interest.
2. Updated Time Table will be displayed on the web site and no new notices will be published for it.
3. It is expected of the Candidate and Colleges that they keep track of the latest announcements regarding admission process and follow the instructions given. The candidates and colleges should visit the mentioned web site
frequently to update themselves.
4. All Candidates are required to upload the documents or submit the Original document at the Admitting College. Their documents will be re verified by the Admitting College with uploaded document and admission is to be
confirmed by the Admitted College.
5. Since this is Merit Cum Option based Admission Process, Candidates are advised to give the options very carefully and judiciously verifying the credentials of the Colleges/Institutes.
6. All Candidates are directed to download the CAP Information Brochure and Study it carefully with reference to conduct of Admission Process the stages and steps involved in it.
7. The list of Approved Colleges available for seeking admission, the intake capacity and other details related to colleges with infrastructure, human resources are placed on the CAP portal. Candidates are advised to study it
carefully before filling in the Option Form and giving the options and the sequence of options. Candidates should study the Type (Govt/Aided/ Unaided/Minority) and Nature of College/Division/Intake Capacity before giving the Option to College. Candidates are advised to take into account the NAAC Status of the College/ Institute. Candidates are being intimated that B.Ed.(General & Special) are Professional Courses and regular Attendance and Practical completion with Internship are integral part of the Course. The Colleges have been asked to update the web site with all essential details.
8. The Options and sequence will affect the allocation of the candidate with reference his Merit, Candidature Type, and Category under BEd Admission 2021 .
9. There will two on line rounds of Admissions as per the Schedule displayed on the Admission Portal. The Candidate will give Options for Round-I which will be applicable for First Round (I) only.
10. The Candidates will be able to review the options given in Round I, and give new options, edit options for Round II.
11. Prior Approval of Competent Authority for Institutional Round is required. Colleges will submit vacancy position to the Competent Authority. The vacancy position of ACAP seats will be displayed on the Admission Portal before the start of the Round III, the Institute level round. There is no Management Quota for Colleges of Education.
12. Principals of the Admitting Colleges will be responsible for the Final verification of the documents and matching the documents in original along with uploaded documents and Finalization of Admissions in their Colleges. If any discrepancy in Academic Merit is observed by the College, they should direct the Candidate to Edit the Option form at relevant time as per scheduled current Time Table and Information Brochure.
13. If any wrong admission is made or any candidate having discrepancy in the document and merit is admitted, the Institute/ college will be responsible for the same.
14. CET CELL will e-verify the documents due to COVID 19. The E-verification cannot be considered as a final verification, hence the Candidates should take special precaution while filling the CAP form and uploading the relevant documents and the college admission committee should exercise strict and rigorous verification process before admitting the candidate finally.
15.POST-CET REVISED UPDATED & Revised TIME TABLE FOR B.Ed. CENTRALIZED ADMISSION PROCESS-2020 will be placed in due course by high lighting the changes only. Candidates should keep track of the changes
in the schedule. All updates and notices will be flashed on the Admission Portal. No advertisement and e-mail and sms will be sent to the candidates. It is obligatory on the part of Institutes and the Candidates to keep in touch with
the Admission Portal on daily basis for updates.
16) Charging extra Fee than the fee sanctioned by the Government for Aided/ Government and Aided Minority Colleges is illegal.
17) Fees for Unaided Colleges is fixed by Shikshan Shulka Samiti (B.Ed./M.Ed.). Any complaint regarding over charging is to addressed to Joint Director, Shikshan Shulka Samiti, 3, Mahapalika Marg, Dhobi Talao,
Mumbai 400001.
Online Admission line :
BEd Admission 2021
Merit list for Round II
Names of the Candidates who are not considred in the English Medium Alphabetical Merit list for Round II the reason given in Column No 4.
Round II Online Merit List : Download