Shivaji University TE-BE Result May 2016 at
TE-BE May 2016 Result of Shivaji University
Shivaji University, Kolhapur Bachelor of Engineering Exam TE result is Available now. Here, so this is the latest news for those Students who attended Bachelor of Engineering Third Year examination – 2016 which was carried on May 2016…!!! The Shivaji University is about to release the online result of Bachelor of Engineering May 2016 exam is published by the official department on the website. So, it’s really a wonderful news for candidates who appeared for this examination and now waiting for results to declare at the main site of Shivaji University. All the related result details will be updated time to time on this page. Also the related important Links to check result by your Roll Number is given for the Result of Shivaji University TE-BE May 2016. TE-BE May 2016 Result
Shivaji University TE-BE May 2016 examination online result is now available. The result is published on 30th June 2016, While the examination of TE-BE May 2016 was held in May 2016. BE is the 4 Years UG courses of Shivaji University. Large number of Students appear for this Courses every year. It belongs to Engineering Faculty course. This Result is of TE-BE May 2016 which is sub category of Bachelor in Engineering Courses. You Can Check your Online result From following Result Section.
How to check TE-BE May 2016 Shivaji University Results:
- We have given an Official Website Link and Result Section on this page, you can check your Result From both the places.
- Select the Result 2016 option Click on Shivaji University Result 2016
- Try to find your Roll number in Given .txt File.
- You can uses Ctrl + F, as it will help you to Fast Searching.
- Also find the category where your Roll number belongs.
- Download the result
- Take a print for your future use.
Click Here to Check Result of TE-BE May 2016 Shivaji University

Shivaji University TE-BE Result May 2016
Roll number wise Result of TE May 2016
Shivaji University,Kolhapur
First Class With Distinction :-
40889, 40890, 40891, 40892, 40894, 40896, 40898, 40908, 40912, 40914, 40915, 40920,
40921, 40923, 40924, 40925, 40927, 40938, 40942, 40963, 40971, 40978, 40989, 41019,
41036, 41044, 41077, 41079, 41096, 41101, 41110, 41121, 41139, 41155, 41166, 41170,
41187, 41199, 41224, 41230, 41233, 41242, 41246, 41249, 41250, 41256, 41257, 41273,
41292, 41296, 41305, 41313, 41318, 41334, 41338, 41357, 41361, 41367, 41368, 41372,
41388, 41390, 41396, 41397, 41398, 41399, 41402, 41412, 41429, 41474, 41475, 41487,
41488, 41494, 41526, 41551, 41553, 41556, 41558, 41559, 41560, 41561, 41572, 41588,
41590, 41595, 41596, 41601, 41615, 41617, 41618, 41623, 41625, 41634, 41635, 41645,
41650, 41669, 41670, 41711, 41734, 41744, 41766, 41772, 41791, 41868, 41869, 41873,
41874, 41876, 41877, 41881, 41882, 41884, 41887, 41888, 41889, 41891, 41892, 41893,
41896, 41897, 41899, 41901, 41907, 41912, 41913, 41914, 41917, 41918, 41922, 41923,
41930, 41982, 41997, 42002, 42030, 42035, 42038, 42049, 42051, 42055, 42059, 42064,
42065, 42082, 42091, 42095, 42108, 42115, 42120, 42122, 42124, 42125, 42134, 42149,
42158, 42160, 42161, 42163, 42169, 42178, 42191, 42192, 42193, 42197, 42200, 42219,
42223, 42234, 42276, 42285, 42286, 42331, 42332, 42334, 42336, 42337, 42338, 42393,
42404, 42406, 42436, 42441, 42464, 42468, 42469, 42470, 42472, 42473, 42475, 42476,
42479, 42481, 42483, 42484, 42486, 42488, 42491, 42492, 42493, 42504, 42505, 42506,
42507, 42508, 42513, 42514, 42516, 42517, 42518, 42519, 42527, 42528, 42531, 42533,
42534, 42538, 42541, 42543, 42544, 42545, 42551, 42552, 42555, 42556, 42557, 42559,
42560, 42561, 42562, 42563, 42564, 42566, 42569, 42570, 42572, 42574, 42575, 42576,
42577, 42581, 42582, 42585, 42586, 42587, 42623, 42624, 42627, 42634, 42635, 42638,
42654, 42656, 42688, 42704, 42705, 42724, 42727, 42729, 42734, 42736, 42738, 42739,
42740, 42742, 42746, 42753
First Class :-
40893, 40900, 40901, 40902, 40903, 40904, 40905, 40906, 40907, 40910, 40911, 40913,
40917, 40918, 40922, 40928, 40929, 40932, 40933, 40935, 40939, 40945, 40950, 40962,
40972, 40973, 40976, 40979, 40981, 40983, 40984, 40988, 40990, 40994, 40995, 41000,
41002, 41003, 41004, 41008, 41010, 41011, 41012, 41013, 41017, 41027, 41029, 41031,
First Class :-
41032, 41034, 41035, 41038, 41039, 41047, 41048, 41050, 41053, 41058, 41060, 41065,
41066, 41067, 41074, 41076, 41078, 41087, 41089, 41090, 41093, 41095, 41099, 41100,
41102, 41103, 41113, 41116, 41120, 41122, 41123, 41124, 41125, 41131, 41132, 41148,
41150, 41151, 41153, 41157, 41159, 41160, 41161, 41171, 41172, 41173, 41174, 41175,
41178, 41179, 41182, 41185, 41188, 41189, 41195, 41197, 41198, 41200, 41204, 41206,
41209, 41213, 41222, 41223, 41225, 41226, 41228, 41232, 41236, 41239, 41241, 41243,
41245, 41247, 41248, 41253, 41258, 41259, 41260, 41261, 41262, 41264, 41265, 41267,
41270, 41278, 41280, 41282, 41284, 41287, 41288, 41290, 41291, 41295, 41297, 41298,
41304, 41307, 41309, 41314, 41315, 41327, 41331, 41332, 41333, 41336, 41340, 41341,
41343, 41346, 41350, 41355, 41358, 41359, 41362, 41363, 41365, 41366, 41369, 41370,
41374, 41376, 41378, 41381, 41384, 41386, 41394, 41395, 41400, 41401, 41404, 41405,
41424, 41427, 41432, 41436, 41439, 41451, 41456, 41458, 41462, 41465, 41466, 41467,
41468, 41471, 41473, 41476, 41477, 41479, 41480, 41482, 41483, 41490, 41492, 41501,
41507, 41515, 41516, 41517, 41521, 41522, 41525, 41529, 41531, 41533, 41534, 41536,
41539, 41540, 41541, 41543, 41545, 41546, 41547, 41549, 41552, 41554, 41555, 41557,
41562, 41563, 41564, 41565, 41566, 41567, 41568, 41569, 41570, 41571, 41575, 41578,
41579, 41580, 41584, 41585, 41587, 41592, 41593, 41597, 41599, 41603, 41605, 41606,
41612, 41613, 41621, 41622, 41626, 41628, 41629, 41630, 41631, 41633, 41637, 41649,
41651, 41654, 41655, 41662, 41665, 41679, 41684, 41698, 41700, 41701, 41704, 41720,
41722, 41724, 41725, 41728, 41731, 41735, 41736, 41738, 41746, 41748, 41750, 41751,
41752, 41753, 41754, 41759, 41761, 41763, 41776, 41777, 41781, 41783, 41785, 41786,
41788, 41789, 41790, 41792, 41793, 41794, 41795, 41796, 41798, 41799, 41800, 41805,
41806, 41808, 41810, 41813, 41814, 41816, 41820, 41821, 41823, 41824, 41828, 41829,
41835, 41836, 41837, 41838, 41839, 41844, 41845, 41846, 41847, 41848, 41849, 41851,
41852, 41853, 41854, 41855, 41856, 41857, 41858, 41859, 41861, 41862, 41863, 41864,
41870, 41872, 41878, 41879, 41880, 41894, 41895, 41898, 41903, 41904, 41905, 41908,
41909, 41910, 41911, 41915, 41932, 41933, 41934, 41936, 41937, 41938, 41942, 41949,
41950, 41959, 41964, 41980, 41984, 41985, 41989, 41994, 41996, 42000, 42001, 42003,
42006, 42011, 42012, 42014, 42017, 42018, 42019, 42020, 42021, 42024, 42032, 42037,
42039, 42043, 42057, 42060, 42061, 42062, 42068, 42069, 42076, 42087, 42088, 42092,
First Class :-
42094, 42096, 42097, 42098, 42099, 42100, 42103, 42105, 42109, 42110, 42111, 42112,
42113, 42114, 42116, 42117, 42118, 42119, 42121, 42123, 42126, 42129, 42131, 42135,
42140, 42145, 42152, 42154, 42159, 42164, 42165, 42166, 42168, 42172, 42174, 42176,
42179, 42180, 42181, 42182, 42184, 42185, 42187, 42188, 42189, 42190, 42194, 42195,
42196, 42198, 42199, 42212, 42213, 42214, 42216, 42217, 42220, 42225, 42228, 42229,
42230, 42232, 42238, 42239, 42245, 42247, 42255, 42257, 42259, 42260, 42264, 42265,
42267, 42268, 42269, 42270, 42273, 42277, 42278, 42281, 42284, 42287, 42288, 42291,
42292, 42293, 42294, 42295, 42296, 42297, 42299, 42303, 42305, 42306, 42309, 42310,
42313, 42316, 42319, 42320, 42323, 42325, 42328, 42329, 42330, 42333, 42335, 42339,
42341, 42342, 42344, 42345, 42346, 42348, 42350, 42351, 42352, 42353, 42357, 42361,
42364, 42365, 42366, 42367, 42369, 42370, 42374, 42376, 42377, 42378, 42379, 42380,
42382, 42385, 42387, 42395, 42398, 42400, 42403, 42405, 42407, 42411, 42412, 42416,
42422, 42432, 42433, 42439, 42440, 42442, 42443, 42445, 42446, 42447, 42448, 42449,
42450, 42451, 42452, 42453, 42454, 42456, 42457, 42459, 42460, 42461, 42463, 42465,
42466, 42467, 42471, 42477, 42478, 42485, 42487, 42489, 42494, 42497, 42498, 42500,
42501, 42509, 42515, 42521, 42522, 42523, 42525, 42532, 42536, 42537, 42540, 42547,
42553, 42567, 42568, 42571, 42578, 42579, 42584, 42592, 42593, 42596, 42606, 42608,
42609, 42611, 42613, 42615, 42616, 42617, 42618, 42619, 42620, 42621, 42625, 42626,
42628, 42630, 42631, 42633, 42637, 42639, 42640, 42645, 42646, 42648, 42649, 42650,
42666, 42667, 42668, 42672, 42676, 42686, 42687, 42689, 42690, 42699, 42701, 42702,
42703, 42707, 42708, 42709, 42710, 42712, 42713, 42714, 42715, 42717, 42721, 42723,
42728, 42730, 42731, 42732, 42735, 42737, 42744, 42745, 42755, 42759, 60047
Second Class :-
40949, 40997, 41046, 41135, 41136, 41165, 41168, 41177, 41181, 41186, 41191, 41194,
41196, 41203, 41210, 41275, 41281, 41285, 41286, 41311, 41339, 41342, 41344, 41353,
41354, 41383, 41406, 41407, 41414, 41453, 41454, 41455, 41469, 41485, 41491, 41504,
41673, 41681, 41723, 41732, 41737, 41739, 41749, 41757, 41758, 41778, 41779, 41804,
41809, 41825, 41830, 41831, 41842, 41850, 41886, 41921, 41931, 41990, 42008, 42009,
42010, 42016, 42034, 42086, 42089, 42090, 42101, 42106, 42107, 42127, 42142, 42162,
Second Class :-
42233, 42236, 42242, 42274, 42301, 42312, 42314, 42317, 42318, 42321, 42322, 42327,
42363, 42368, 42371, 42381, 42383, 42386, 42417, 42429, 42437, 42438, 42510, 42524,
42548, 42594, 42601, 42604, 42607, 42612, 42614, 42642, 42643, 42647, 42661, 42662,
42664, 42673, 42675, 42677, 42684, 42698, 42711, 42718, 42719, 42751
Pass Class :-
The Result of the following candidates have been held in Reserved(Copy Case) :-
41591, 41653, 41678, 41683, 41702, 41719, 41721, 41991, 42150, 42695
The Result of the following candidates is reserved for LAPSES . :-
41129, 60067
The Result of the following candidates is reserved for ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS . :-
42389, 42598, 42652, 60054