Railtel Corporation of Indian Recruitment 2022 Apply for 69 Post
For Regular Recruitment’s in Technical / Marketing / Finance/ Legal Departments of RailTel Corporation (Including Backlog Vacancies of SC/ST/OBC)
Railtel Corporation of Indian Recruitment 2022 : Railtel Corporation of India Limited will recruitment candidates for various posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official site of Railtel India on railtelindia.com. The last date to apply for the posts is till February 23, 2022. This recruitment drive will fill up 69 posts in the organization.
Registration Start Date | 15th Jan 2022 (12:00 Noon) |
Registration Close Date | 23rd Feb 2022 (23:59PM) |
- Uploading of detailed vacancy notice on RailTel Corporation’s website 14.01.2022
- Opening date for on-line registrations and filing of applications (including payment of application fee). 15.01.2022 (12:00 noon IST)
- Last date for completion of on-line registrations and filing of applications (including payment of application fee). 23.02.2022 (23.59 Hrs IST)
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates can check the educational qualification and age limit through the Detailed Notification available here
Application Fees
The application fees is ₹1200/- for other category candidates and ₹600/- for SC/ST/PwBDs. The fee will be collected through payment gateway only during online registration process. Any processing charges, bank charges, applicable taxes etc. towards the same, if any, will be borne by applicant.
It is brought to the notice of applicants that on-line examinations for all the above mentioned posts will be held in two sessions on the same day. Written exam for posts included in Group-I above will be held in one session and for those included in Group-II will be held in another session. Thus, Candidate may apply for maximum two posts – one in Group-I and another one in Group-II. Candidates are advised to read all the instructions contained in this vacancy notice very carefully before applying online and to satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions including age, educational /professional qualifications, certifications, nature and length of experience and medical standards for the post to be applied by them. They should also make it sure that the post for which they desire to apply is available for their categories (OBC-NCL, SC, ST, EWS) or unreserved post is available. They should also read carefully all the instructions given on main instruction page of the online application:
i) Candidates are required to apply online only through the link available on www.railtelindia.com. No other means /mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
ii) Signatures of the candidates on all documents should be identical in all stages of recruitment process and must be in running hand and not in block/capital or disjointed letters. Signatures in different style at the time of on-line test, interview, medical examination, joining the post etc. may result in cancellation of candidature.
iii) Before registering/ submitting applications on the website, the candidate must possess the following:
a. Valid E-mail ID/ mobile number: The Email ID / mobile number entered in the online application form should remain active until the recruitment process is complete. No change in Email ID / mobile number will be allowed once registered. All correspondence regarding this recruitment shall be done on the Email ID/ on-line including issue of admit card for online examination and call letter for document verification/Interview, if shortlisted.
b. Scanned copy of latest passport size coloured photograph (not more than 3 months old), scanned left thumb impression and scanned signature in digital format (as per dimensions given in para 11.1 below) for uploading in the application.
c. All relevant documents relating to the eligibility criteria viz Educational Qualification, certifications, Caste certificate [SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS], Experience Certificate, Disability Certificate, Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen etc.
d. Details for making payment of examination fee on-line. Examination fee will be acceptable through Net Banking/Credit Card/ Debit Card/UPI, as prescribed.
e. A facility to take print out of filled application form and examination fee payment receipt is preferred for candidates’ own records. However, candidates need NOT send printouts of applications or certificates or copies to RailTel Corporation by post / courier/ email.
1. Candidates are required to apply online through website www.railtelindia.com or https://railtel.cbtexam.in/ only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
(Before applying for registration candidates are advised to have their scanned Photo, scanned Signature and scanned Left Thumb Impression for uploading. The file size should be not more than 100kb in .jpg format only)
2. Candidate can apply for maximum of one post in each Group. If candidate wants to apply in BOTH the groups they will have to fill up application twice and pay the fees TWICE. Group I & II examination will be held separately.
3. Candidate are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID before applying online.
4. Candidates are required to go to the website of RAILTEL i.e. www.railtelindia.com and click on the link “Careers” or https://railtel.cbtexam.in
5. Candidates are required to follow below process for registration. The Name entered in the online application form should match exactly with the Matriculation Certificate to be produced at the time of selection process.
6. Registration to be completed in 6 steps:
• Step 1: Select Post Applied & Enter Basic Details.
• Step 2: Enter Minimum Educational / Professional Qualifications.
• Step 3: Upload Scanned Photo, Scanned Signature and Scanned Left Thumb Impression.
• Step 4: Application Preview or Modify.
• Step 5: Payment Online Mode (via credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI etc.)
• Step 6: After paying the application fees, save the copy of filled application form for
further recruitment related activities.
7. Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of passport color photo, signature and left thump impression. Size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in .jpg files only.
8. Only online payment of registration & application processing fees (non-refundable) is applicable. There will not be any other mode of payment of registration & application processing fee. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s Cheque, postal stamps etc., will not be accepted, towards registration & application processing fee. Note: Bank charges will be borne by the candidates.
9. RAILTEL will not be responsible for any network problems in submission of online application. 11
10. Candidates are advised to fill the post judiciously as per the advertisement released by RAILTEL.
11. Candidate are requested to enter the details in the online application format carefully. Before final submission of application, there will be a preview available to the candidates in case of modification required. After submission of the application, no modification will be permitted and fees once paid will not be refunded.
Detailed Vacancy Notice 2022
Regular recruitment in Technical/Marketing/Finance/Legal Departments of RailTel Corporation (including backlog vacancies of SC/ST/OBC)L![]() |
Detailed Vacancy Notice No. RCIL/2020/P&A/44/4![]() |
Click Here to apply![]() |