RTE Admission 2021-22 लॉटरी
RTE Admission 2021-22 Lottery – Maharashtra State ऑनलाईन प्रवेशासाठी लॉटरी काढण्यात आली.
RTE Admission 2021-22 लॉटरी:RTE (Right to Education) Admissions in Maharashtra 2021-22 Under Right of online admission RTE will be started from March 3 2021 Parent who wish to make use of admission under the RTE in Maharashtra 2021-22 application form the official website. Candidates can fill the application form till March 03, 2021 to March 21 2021 in online mode only at student .maharashtra.gov.in. RTE- the Right to free and compulsory education came into force in 2010 from April 1st in the state. According to the rule, the non-governmental schools are required to reserve 25 percent of seats for the children of weaker section classes in entry-level classes and ensure their free education till 8th class. Get here the complete details of RTE Admission 2021-22 Maharashtra, form this page.
RTE (Right to Education) Maharashtra Admission 2021: State of Maharashtra an admission process will be Started which is organized by the School Education and Support Department, Government of Maharashtra. Guardians who are paying attention in applying for the RTE 25% reserved seats may apply through online mode. You need to check he complete eligibility norms before applying for RTE Maharashtra Admission. Maharashtra RTE Admission Online application form filling procedure will commence on the official website. Apply for the admission of your child by following instructions as mentioned here. Get complete details of RTE admission from the below-uttered section.
आज दिनांक 7 एप्रिल 2021 रोजी दुपारी 3 वाजता ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने VC द्वारे सन 2021-22या वर्षाच्या आर. टी. ई 25% ऑनलाईन प्रवेशासाठी लॉटरी काढण्यात आली.
NIC द्वारा प्रोससिंग होऊन लॉटरी द्वारे निवड झालेल्या पालकांना दिनांक 15 एप्रिल 2021 पासून SMS प्राप्त होण्यास सुरुवात होईल.
पालकांसाठी सूचना 
1) आर.टी.ई. प्रवेश प्रक्रिया २०२१-२०२२ या वर्षाकरिता लॉटरी द्वारे पात्र विद्यार्थ्यांच्या पालकांना दिनांक १५एप्रिल २०२१ पासून sms प्राप्त होतील.
2) पालकांनी फक्त sms वर अवलंबून राहू नये . आर.टी.ई. पोर्टल वर प्रवेशाची तारीख या ठिकाणी आपला अर्ज क्रमांक टाकून आपल्या अर्जाची स्थिती किंवा प्रवेशाचा दिनांक पहावा. प्रवेश घेण्याची तारीख पोर्टलवर दाखविली जाईल. त्या मुदतीतच पालकांनी पडताळणी समितीकडे जाऊन कागदपत्रे तपासून प्रवेश प्रक्रिया पूर्ण करावी.
3) ज्या विद्यार्थ्यांचे लॉटरी मध्ये सिलेक्शन झालेले आहे त्यांनी प्रवेशाकरिता sms द्वारा पुढील सूचना प्राप्त झाल्यानंतरच पडताळणी समितीकडे जावे.
4) पालकांनी प्रवेशाकरिता घेऊन जाण्याची कागदपत्रे :-
a. प्रवेशासाठी लागणारी मूळ कागद पत्रे आणि त्यांच्या छायांकित प्रती
b. आर.टी.ई.पोर्टलवरील हमी पत्र आणि अर्जाची स्थिती यावर click करून हमी पत्र आणि ऑलॉटमेंट लेटर (Allotment Letter )ची प्रिंट काढून पडताळणी समितीकडे घेऊन जावे.
5) पडताळणी समितीकडे प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी सर्व पालकांनी गर्दी करू नये. तसेच जाताना आपल्या पाल्याला बरोबर घेऊन जाऊ नये.
6) मुदतीनंतर संबंधित पालकांचा प्रवेशाचा हक्क राहणार नाही.
7) पालकांनी अर्ज भरताना अर्जात निवासाचा जो पत्ता नोंद केला आहे त्याच पत्त्यावर Google location मध्ये red बलून दर्शविणे आवश्यक आहे location आणि घराचा नोंदविलेला पत्ता यामध्ये तफावत आढळल्यास प्रवेश रद्द केला जाईल.
8) तसेच एकाच पालकांनी २ अर्ज भरून (duplicate अर्ज) जर त्यांना लॉटरी लागली तरीही त्यांचा प्रवेश रद्द केला जाईल
9) निवड यादीतील बालकांच्या पालकांना लॉकडाऊनमुळे /बाहेरगावी असल्याने/किंवा अन्य कारणामुळे पडताळणी समितीकडे जाऊन प्रत्यक्ष प्रवेश घेणे शक्य नसेल त्यांनी समितीशी संपर्क करून whats app /email किंवा अन्य माध्यमांच्या द्वारे बालकाच्या प्रवेशाकरिता लागणारी आवश्यक कागदपत्रे सादर करावीत आपल्या पाल्याचा तात्पुरता प्रवेश निश्चित करावा.
महत्वाचे : प्रतिक्षा यादीतील (waiting list )पालकांनी बालकांच्या प्रवेशाकरिता पडताळणी समितीकडे सध्या जाऊ नये . त्यांच्या करिता rte पोर्टल वर स्वतंत्र सूचना दिल्या जातील
सन २०२१-२०२२ या वर्षाकरिता आर.टी.ई.२५ % ऑनलाईन प्रवेश अर्ज भरण्यासाठी
दिनांक 03 मार्च 2021 रोजी दुपारी ३ वा. पासून ते 30 मार्च 2021 पर्यंत मुदत आहे.
RTE Admission 2021-22 लॉटरी:RTE (Right to Education) Admissions in Maharashtra 2021-22 Under Right of online admission RTE will be started from March 3 2021 Parent who wish to make use of admission under the RTE in Maharashtra 2021-22 application form the official website. Candidates can fill the application form till March 03, 2021 to March 21 2021 in online mode only at student .maharashtra.gov.in. RTE- the Right to free and compulsory education came into force in 2010 from April 1st in the state. According to the rule, the non-governmental schools are required to reserve 25 percent of seats for the children of weaker section classes in entry-level classes and ensure their free education till 8th class. Get here the complete details of RTE Admission 2021-22 Maharashtra, form this page.
RTE (Right to Education) Maharashtra Admission 2021: State of Maharashtra an admission process will be Started which is organized by the School Education and Support Department, Government of Maharashtra. Guardians who are paying attention in applying for the RTE 25% reserved seats may apply through online mode. You need to check he complete eligibility norms before applying for RTE Maharashtra Admission. Maharashtra RTE Admission Online application form filling procedure will commence on the official website. Apply for the admission of your child by following instructions as mentioned here. Get complete details of RTE admission from the below-uttered section.
RTE Admission 2021-22 लॉटरी
Apply Online:
Apply for RTE Admission 2021. : Click here
Required Documents for RTE online application (for references). : Click here
Self Declaration letter.: Click here
Official Website : Click here
Application Date : 3 March 2021 to 30 March 2021
RTE Admission Required Documents
- Birth certificate of the student
- Caste certificate if the seat is claimed on reservation
- Disability certificate (if required)
- Income certificate of the parents
- Proof of residence (Aadhar Card/ Passport/telephone bill/ water bill/driving
RTE Admission District wise Vacancies Details
District | RTE Schools | RTE Vacancy |
Ahmadnagar | 402 | 3013 |
Akola | 202 | 1960 |
Amravati | 244 | 2076 |
Aurangabad | 603 | 3625 |
Bhandara | 94 | 791 |
Bid | 233 | 2195 |
Buldana | 231 | 2142 |
Chandrapur | 196 | 1571 |
Dhule | 104 | 1171 |
Gadchiroli | 76 | 624 |
Gondiya | 146 | 876 |
Hingoli | 79 | 530 |
Jalgaon | 296 | 3065 |
Jalna | 299 | 2262 |
Kolhapur | 345 | 3181 |
Latur | 238 | 1740 |
Mumbai | 290 | 5227 |
Mumbai | 62 | 1236 |
Nagpur | 680 | 5729 |
Nanded | 261 | 1697 |
Nandurbar | 51 | 379 |
Nashik | 450 | 4544 |
Osmanabad | 125 | 641 |
Palghar | 268 | 4273 |
Parbhani | 162 | 856 |
Pune | 985 | 14741 |
Raigarh | 272 | 4236 |
Ratnagiri | 95 | 864 |
Sangli | 233 | 1667 |
Satara | 234 | 1916 |
Sindhudurg | 51 | 345 |
Solapur | 326 | 2228 |
Thane | 677 | 12074 |
Wardha | 116 | 1129 |
Washim | 103 | 718 |
Yavatmal | 202 | 1275 |
Total | 9431 | 96597 |
Admission Process 2021-22 : Admission Process for RTE 25% reservation through online application.
Eligible schools to fill following details and get the approval of Cluster / URC head to make the school available for Selection
a) School Contacts
b) Valid age limit for admission
c) Total strength,(30 sept 2014) intake and vacancies for RTE 25% reservation
d) Accurate school location on Google map
The steps involved are as follows.
1) Get your application number registered on the system. The application number and password will be communicated on your registered mobile.
2) Enter child details, parent details.
3) Locate the address accurately to list schools within 1 KM and within 1-3 KM range from your house.
4) Select the required standard.
5) Upload required documents.
6) Confirm the application.
7) After confirmation, take the printed application along with the required documents to help desk provided.
1) The schools having more vacancies and less number of applications will allot the seats to all applicants.
2) The schools having less vacancy will use lottery system. The lottery will be drawn and generated by the district administration i.e. Education officer, Primary for the district.
3) The selection list will be published on the system.
4) The list will be made available under application login for parents. The admit card can be printed.
5) Schools will admit the students as approached by parents after completing necessary requirements.