SRTMUN BA MCJ Summer 2016 Result
SRTMUN BA MCJ Summer 2016 Result
TY BA MCJ Summer 2016 Result @
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University TY BA in Journalism and Mass Communication examination online result is now available. The result is published on 21th June 2016, While the examination of TY BA MCJ was held in April 2016. TY BA MCJ is the 3 Years UG courses of SRTMUN University. Large number of Students appear for this Courses every year. It belongs to Bachelor of Art in Journalism and Mass Communication Faculty course. This Result is of SRTMUN which is 3rd Year of Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication Courses. You Can Check your Online result From following Result Section. TY BA MCJ Result 2016
This Year for April 2016 Examination of TY BA MCJ were done. Now result will declared, candidates easily find out their result here. SRTMUN Universities official website is Student get their result here for the TY BA MCJ Student just check the below on our website for the same result.

Result of TY BA MCJ Summer 2016 SRTMUN University, Marksheet
All the students who have appeared for the examinations were waiting desperately for the result of The SRTMUN University from last few days. But Now the has published this result online, So now students feeling very relax. At the time of admission, the SRTMUN University had invited the application from all the aspirants who want to pursue degree courses in Computer Application Category as a TY BA MCJ. The University has organized the examination successfully for various courses. A huge number of colleges and institutes are recognized from the SRTMUN University i.e. The university has conducted the examinations all across the Nanded Region.
Mark sheets and Details Results will be available soon. Students will get their result Copy from their respective colleges. So as now result is available. It’s very clear for candidates to their further decision about studies. Successful Candidates will go ahead for the Next Studies, while some will prepare for Re attempting this examination. But we wish you will found great achievements in your Carrier. For More Updates and News keep visiting where we publish results at fastest Speed.
How to Download TY BA MCJ Summer 2016 SRTMUN University Results:
We have given an Official Website Link and Result Section on this page, you can check your Result From both the places.
- Select the Result 2016 option Click on SRTMUN University Result 2016
- Try to find your Roll number in Given PDF File.
- You can uses Ctrl + F, as it will help you to Fast Searching.
- Also find the category where your Roll number belongs.
- Download the result
- Take a print for your future use.
Following is the Result of TY BA MCJ SRTMUN University 2016
FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATES WHO ARE DECLEARED PASS : FIRST CLASS WITH DISTINCTION : SL14371 SL14381 FIRST CLASS : SL14312 SL14340 SL14362 SL14370 SL14375 SL14380 SL14382 SL14385 SL14416 SL14417 SL14422 SL14426 SL14430 SL14434 SL14438 SL14451 SL14454 SL14465 SL14488 SL14495 SL14497 SL14555 SL14558 SL14586 SL14587 SL14588 SL14589 SL14593 SL14595 SL14596 SL14600 SL14602 SL14604 SL14605 SL14606 SL14607 SL14609 SL14610 SL14612 SL14614 SL14615 SL14620 SL14621 SL14632 SL14634 SL14637 SL14638 SECOND CLASS : SL14302 SL14303 SL14304 SL14305 SL14306 SL14307 SL14310 SL14313 SL14314 SL14315 SL14316 SL14317 SL14318 SL14319 SL14321 SL14322 SL14323 SL14324 SL14325 SL14326 SL14327 SL14328 SL14341 SL14342 SL14353 SL14354 SL14355 SL14356 SL14358 SL14363 SL14364 SL14365 SL14366 SL14367 SL14369 SL14373 SL14374 SL14376 SL14377 SL14383 SL14384 SL14386 SL14389 SL14391 SL14415 SL14420 SL14423 SL14424 SL14425 SL14428 SL14429 SL14433 SL14439 SL14446 SL14447 SL14448 SL14449 SL14478 SL14479 SL14481 SL14482 SL14483 SL14485 SL14489 SL14490 SL14491 SL14494 SL14498 SL14556 SL14557 SL14559 SL14572 SL14573 SL14584 SL14590 SL14591 SL14592 SL14597 SL14598 SL14599 SL14601 SL14603 SL14618 SL14633 SL14636 SL14639 SL14642 SL14644 SL14645 SL14646 SL14651 SL14652 SL14655 SL14656 SL14669 SL14456 PASS : SL14372 SL14378 SL14379 FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATES WHOSE RESULTS ARE HELD RESERVED (R): SL14301 SL14308 SL14309 SL14320 SL14359 SL14361 SL14368 SL14392 SL14404 SL14432 SL14442 SL14443 SL14450 SL14452 SL14511 SL14523 SL14524 SL14525 SL14526 SL14527 SL14528 SL14529 SL14530 SL14531 SL14532 SL14533 SL14534 SL14535 SL14536 SL14537 SL14538 SL14539 SL14540 SL14541 SL14542 SL14570 SL14585 SL14608 SL14611 SL14613 SL14616 SL14617 SL14619 SL14640 SL14647 SL14650 SL14668 FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATES WHOSE RESULTS HELD FOR OFFICE VERIFICATION ( OV ) : SL14357 SL14360 SL14387 SL14388 SL14421 SL14427 SL14431 SL14436 SL14441 SL14444 SL14476 SL14484 SL14493 SL14496 SL14510 SL14512 SL14571 SL14643 SL14648 SL14653 SL14455 FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATES WHOSE RESULTS ARE HELD RESERVED FOR WANT OF ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE (EC) : *** NIL *** FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATE WHOSE WHOLE PERFORMANCE IS CANCELLED ( WPC ) : *** NIL *** FOLLOWING ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS OF THE CANDIDATES WHO ARE DETAINED : *** NIL ***